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My 61 is alive again

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I will try to get some pictures of my 61 this weekend to show how much work has been done. I still have lots to do to get her ready for cruizing the coast. Ace :thumb
Look forward to seeing them. Update on mine, found plate, it was jammed. Car went to painter yesterday (9/3/09). Loads to go, but on the way!
What color are you painting your car? I'm going back with white,the orignal color with red interior. Ace:thumb
Sounds good. I'm going back with original fawn beige and white coves. Surface will be over the new epoxy primer instead of gel coat. Lot of controversy there, but hope all will be right. Another turn I've made is installing new 350 CI using my original 2 4bbl setup. Still have the good 283 original match# with tran and body. I'm going to be using this as a frequent driver and wanted to save the 283 for my son when I pass it on to him. It's the one thing I'm sure he will want from ole Dad!
Glad to see that you can keep the original drive train. Fawn beige is a great color. Hope you get to enjoy her for a long time. :w
Pote, I just took mine to the painter this morning. I've got alot to do when i get back from painter to be ready for cruizing the coast. Hopely i can get my sons to help me. Ace:thumb
Getting closer. My painter finished painting her today and boy does she look good. The plans are for me to pickup her up from painter Monday afternoon, then begins my process of putting her back together. I may not be totally finished for crusing the coast,but we will be there finished or not. I will post pictures soon. Ace :thumb
Pote, I just took mine to the painter this morning. I've got alot to do when i get back from painter to be ready for cruizing the coast. Hopely i can get my sons to help me. Ace:thumb

So you're coming in for Cruisin' the Coast, eh, Ace? Cool! :cool Are you bringing the 61?

Maybe our paths will cross... I'll be the one in the red Corvette. :L

:wJane Ann
Yes Jane Ann we are coming with 61, if nothing goes wrong . I just have a lot to do putting her back together, I may be finishing her in the motel parking lot. We hope to see you there Jane Ann,we are going to stay mainly in Ocean Springs. Ace :thumb
Took my 61 to the Turkey Rod Run this weekend and had a great time. If you have not been there, you should go. Ace:thumb
It's been awhile since I've been there. Last time I had a '64 SS Impala, it's been over 7-8 years. It is a great show. Got a cousin that was there, he brought a '55 green Belair to sale. Hope to get on the road with mine. Am putting new heater core in and finishing up with interior now. Got my old '73 Mercedes 450 SL in shop getting it painted now. It's like eating 'tator chips, can't stop with just one! Going to the poor house in style, though!
Here's a picture of my retirement project. The cake is for the 50th anniversary of my dad buying the car on May 1, 1959.


Bill, you've certainly got some great documentation! Mine was in that shape a few months back. You'll love the feeling when she starts shining! Keep us abreast of the progress.
She's a fine looking specimen! So what's left to have it back 100%?
Carpet and door panels and just odd and end things. I'm getting ready to do rest of window channel and then I can put door panels on. I also need to install the new weather stripping. Ace
Looking fine. You should be quite proud. Cars like this make us know we are stewards of a tradition of fine art. We got to leave them better than we found them...

Is your '61 lowered or is it just the wheel /tire package. I like the way it sets.

Dad, the car really looks great and has been a long time coming. I know you have
worked very hard on her and it shows. You deserve it.
Thanks Tom, It's just the wheel and tire package. I'm very pleased with the way its sits. Ace

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