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My C4 garage cabinets


Sep 24, 2004
Southwest Kansas
2007 Atomic Orange Coupe
Some of you guys don't visit the Garage depot...or at least you don't post in that section, so I thought I'd show you what I've been "up" to. What started it all was I bought a 4 post lift, for maintenance and for storing the Vette up above the reach of my grandkids and so I can get my pick-up in the garage as well. Then old shelves that were in there had to go, so I built new cabinets. After getting them installed they looked too plain, so I decided to "spiff" them up a tad. I'm not done yet, I have at least three more to go, but here's the latest picture.


The emblems are drawn up with my CAD software, then sent to the metal shop across the hall and cut out of .090 sheet metal on our CNC plasma cutter. I think they really add to the feel of my garage. What do you think?

Wow! I need to organize my garage, woodworking shop, car storage, car repair, motorcycle repair, detail shop and then some one posts pictures like these and I just want to cry. What would you charge to organize my garage
If you got a large run of those emblems, I think you'd make a KILLING at Carlisle or another Vette show. I'm drooling and hovering over the wallet, and I'm not even past the planning stages of my garage.
I'm trying to incorporate emblems from all the different generations. I have a C5 and C6 emblem in the works, although I do have a Corvette Racing flag hanging on the wall which has the C5 emblem and feel that I have the C5's covered there. Thanks for the nice comments.
If you got a large run of those emblems, I think you'd make a KILLING at Carlisle or another Vette show. I'm drooling and hovering over the wallet, and I'm not even past the planning stages of my garage.

Rich, the problem with doing them for profit (sale), would bring in Chevy/GM licensing issues. I don't want to tackle that. But basically the work is done, I spent anywhere from 2 1/2 - 4 hours on the CAD program to draw them up, then about another 30-60 minutes "cleaning" them up for the CNC Plasma cutter to "read" them. Takes the plasma cutter about 5 minutes to cut them out. then I spend an hour to 2 hours masking and painting. I really enjoy doing these types of things.
Is the program written with G and M code ? Would it be hard to edit it for a vertical end mill ? The mill has an Anilam 6000 controller. I could set that up on the Acer end mill at work and put the design into wood doors.
Manual programing can be real time consuming.:W

Pretty sweet. If I put cabinets like that in my garage, my wife would have to park in the drive. THAT wouldn't fly!

Very nice.
Is the program written with G and M code ? Would it be hard to edit it for a vertical end mill ? The mill has an Anilam 6000 controller. I could set that up on the Acer end mill at work and put the design into wood doors.
Manual programing can be real time consuming.:W


Glen, I'm not sure which code the machine handles. I have to import the CAD drawing into the Plasma cutters program as a DXF file. From there we can check the path and fix whatever needs fixing, then it converts it to a cutting path. Supposedly this machine can take a woodworking router motor and replace the plasma cutter head and cut wood....we haven't tried that yet. All these files are in DXF format (actually the native format is PRT, CADKey/KeyCreator is the program). If you can handle DXF format I could send you one to mess with. Just let me know.
I finished up the 63-64 nose emblem today.

Glen, I'm not sure which code the machine handles. I have to import the CAD drawing into the Plasma cutters program as a DXF file. From there we can check the path and fix whatever needs fixing, then it converts it to a cutting path. Supposedly this machine can take a woodworking router motor and replace the plasma cutter head and cut wood....we haven't tried that yet. All these files are in DXF format (actually the native format is PRT, CADKey/KeyCreator is the program). If you can handle DXF format I could send you one to mess with. Just let me know.

Ah , ok you used the DXF converter. Our controller has the DXF converter but have never used it because the cad our engineers use is so old it isn't compatible . Little time spent with the manual I am sure I could make that work.

It would be a challenge to try making it work. This mill will turn 8000 rpm so it should work well on wood.
Ah , ok you used the DXF converter. Our controller has the DXF converter but have never used it because the cad our engineers use is so old it isn't compatible . Little time spent with the manual I am sure I could make that work.

It would be a challenge to try making it work. This mill will turn 8000 rpm so it should work well on wood.

Glen, being a woodworking teacher and having my own custom woodworking business, I'd sure like to see what it could do!
Makes my garage look like an outhouse! Great job.
Unfortunately, yes. ;squint:

If I ever sell this place, a garage will be a MUST HAVE for the new one. :upthumbs


I hear ya!!! :w I am in the same situation, I just have to settle for a slip on car cover for now! :beer

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