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Need Some Help!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I received a letter from the National Corvette Museum today which I think deserves the attention of all Corvette owners and enthusiasts. They need a some help. For those of you who have not become a member of the National Corvette Museum, we here at CorvetteNH.com would like to urge you to do so. The NCM is an invaluable resource to the Corvette community and will be, with our help for, many generations to come.
Please click on this <a href="http://www.corvettenh.com/ncmdrive.html">LINK</a> and let's give the NCM our helping hand!
Hello, I'd like to add to the administrator's post. With our help and continued support we could really help the National Corvette Museum become one of the major resources of automotive information, and a major tourist attraction in the bargain. :-) After all we in the Corvette community already know it's one of the best places to visit. Let's show our support, by joining the National Corvette Museum. If you're already a member you can upgrade your membership to a Lifetime Membership. They'll work out a payment agreement with you. :-) If you're a Lifetime Member already there are other ways to show your support.

NCM Lifetime Member #425
NCM Founding Member #2636
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