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New C6 Pixs not a Photo Chop

Wow, those are great Rick. I like the back, but I am still out on the front.

back is ok, front needs to go. the headlights have to go! Looks like a probe...
You've got guts using copyrighted pics (plane pix) on your website.

Senna1994 had posted these body shots this morning already also.
It's been mentioned time and time again!

Just ONE call from an attorney could bring this site down as fast...

Please check with Rob before jeapardizing our community site again.

I think that the pix are great. Finally a good look.

I may be wrong, because I know nothing about these things, but I don't think that posting a link to another site will do anything to jeopardize the CAC. I think that there could be trouble if the pix were actually posted here.

Greg :)

That's true. I hadn't thought of that.

With this lawyer'd up society, you just never know though.

Let me ask a question. Why would it be a copyright issue? There are no corvette badges on the car or any identifing marks. It's 'assuming' it's a vette.

Just wondering.
Crispyc21 said:
Let me ask a question. Why would it be a copyright issue? There are no corvette badges on the car or any identifing marks. It's 'assuming' it's a vette.

Just wondering.

As mentioned in previous posts the problem is not with the links here. Rick's site is using copyrighted material and if he has permission to use he doesn't say. The photographer is a member of this site also.

Read this thread for more info:


Isn't someone who has permission also suppose to state that somewhere everytime it's displayed?

I like the front view. Maybe I am alone, but I think it will be great. The first time that I saw the C5, I thought that it had a bigger butt than my ex-mother in law!
GX624 said:
Sorry, don't mean to be a butt here, Rick, but why not post the pics themselves or a link to the site you got them from?

(most likely) http://www.stupidfastboats.com/vette2.htm

I understand business is business, but the link to your site just made me chuckle.



I`m sorry it was much quicker since I already had them on my site than to link all of them here.:)
Legal issues

As a lawyer and a Judge (although not especially expert on intellectual property issues) I don't believe that there is any real legal exposure. If the "owner"of the photos objects to their use he would first have to ask/demand that the offending photos no longer be displayed. As there are no copywrite notices on the pics he should prove that he is the owner. Then, and only then, if the site continued to post them would there be any significant liability.

Chevrolet would have no standing to object to them unless they owned the copyright.

Rock Lyons
Re: Legal issues

rocklyons said:
As there are no copywrite notices on the pics he should prove that he is the owner. Then, and only then, if the site continued to post them would there be any significant liability.

Rock Lyons

I guess justice IS blind. If you don't see a copyright notice then this is a true statement.

PS to "hotmotorsports"

A call from an attorney would have no more affect on this website than a call from the janitor. Until a judge signs a restraining order or injunction and the same is served upon the owner of the site.

One of the requirements of either of these being issued is a showing to the Court of "irreperable harm". Considering that these pics are already in numerous websites and the pics have been copied 100s or 1000s of times it escapes me how a showing of irreperable harm could be made.

Rock Lyons

The lack of a visable copyright notice does not defeat a copywrite, however until someone is put on notice that the picture is copywrite protected he is not at risk when he displays it for non-comercial reasons such as is done here.

Rock Lyons
Good to know. I guess that answers the question. Thanks.
Stop the Bashing!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets give Rick Daniels a break and stop the bashing of "Rick Daniels".

If you don't agree with him or dislike him skip the thread.


p.s. And l do not even know the guy.

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