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New Door Panels


Jan 5, 2009
Dallas, Texas
1964 Retro
I have just installed new door panels on my 64 Coupe. Anyone have any tips on putting new cranks and door lock buttons on? They seem to be very "tight". Will the retainer clips open up when you push the handles on, or do you have to put retainers on after?

Also, the splines for the lock buttons don't seem to stick through the panel far enough.

Leave the "omega clips" in the handles, line up the splines, and give them a good whack; the clips will expand over the splines until they reach the retaining groove on the shaft. Don't forget the gray plastic washers behind the handles that protect the door trim panel surface.

Sounds like my kind of solution...thanks!:thumb

Leave the "omega clips" in the handles, line up the splines, and give them a good whack; the clips will expand over the splines until they reach the retaining groove on the shaft. Don't forget the gray plastic washers behind the handles that protect the door trim panel surface.


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