Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

New Hoosier member, Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 12, 2014
1985 Black coupe
Hello to everyone, new to this site. So far it looks very informative and easy to use. Have been a member on some of the "other" Corvette sites for over 3 years. Don't know how I missed this one. Car enthusiast all my life, and have worked in the automotive service field for 34 years, currently a service and parts director of a Chevrolet dealership.

My Corvette/Chevrolet addiction has been nearly life long, still remember my dad's '56 Bel Air and '63 Biscayne. My first 2 cars(almost 40 years ago!) were a '67 Bel Air and then a '69 Impala. Most recently sold my 1981 Camaro Z28 (factory 4-speed) to my youngest son who has caught the madness as well. The two of us are heading to Bowling Green at the end of this month to tour the Corvette museum again, and tour the assembly plant as well.:happyanim:

Look forward to chatting with you all, and contributing when I can.

Welcome to the Corvette Action Center Larry. Sounds like you've owned some nice cars!! :thumb
Welcome to the CAC.

I had an 85 Z28 5 spd replaced the 305 with a 350; it was the AK (after kids ;)) replacement.
Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome to Corvette Action Center

Welcome aboard Larry we're glad you've joined us :happyanim:Also sounds like GM blood flowing through those veins for many years, had some what would be collector editions today for sure.

Hello to everyone, new to this site. So far it looks very informative and easy to use. Have been a member on some of the "other" Corvette sites for over 3 years. Don't know how I missed this one. Car enthusiast all my life, and have worked in the automotive service field for 34 years, currently a service and parts director of a Chevrolet dealership.

My Corvette/Chevrolet addiction has been nearly life long, still remember my dad's '56 Bel Air and '63 Biscayne. My first 2 cars(almost 40 years ago!) were a '67 Bel Air and then a '69 Impala. Most recently sold my 1981 Camaro Z28 (factory 4-speed) to my youngest son who has caught the madness as well. The two of us are heading to Bowling Green at the end of this month to tour the Corvette museum again, and tour the assembly plant as well.:happyanim:

Look forward to chatting with you all, and contributing when I can.


:welcome Where in Indiana?? I'm in Portage!
Newest Hoosier Member

What part of Indiana are you from Larry. Missed it the first time.

Welcome to the CAC

Glad that you found us.

NE corner, LaGrange county.

Use to get up that way quite a bit when I worked for INDOT, retired this past December after 34 years. Do you know where Bluffton is?

Use to get up that way quite a bit when I worked for INDOT, retired this past December after 34 years. Do you know where Bluffton is?


Yep, absolutely, south of Fort Wayne. Lived in Noble County prior to moving 3 years ago to take a new job in kalamazoo, MI.

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