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New member, New owner


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Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
I am a new Corvette owner, my first 'vette, a '96 LT4. I have been lurking around for a while, reading posts and searching for information before I bought the car. There is a lot of good information and people here.

I looked for about 3 months before buying my car. It is white, beige interior, LT4. I am the third owner. The previous owner had it painted in a 'reverse GS' paint scheme, with white body, and a Blue stripe. He added GS wheels that are powder coated white also, 9 1/2" wide front, 11" wide rear. It has both tops, base suspension, power driver's seat. Mods include, K&N air filter, open filter cover, intake airfoil, tb bypass, painted valve covers (red to match intake), Borla mufflers w/ZR1 tips.

I love the car and can only grin each time I look at it, and grin even more widely when I drive it.

Photo attached, if it works.
That's a good looking LT-4.

Welcome to the Corvette Action Center. This is a great community of Corvette Enthusiasts.

Nick :w

Welcome to the Corvette Action Center. Beautiful Vette you have there!
Welcome to the CAC. That's one fine looking Vette. I really like the color scheme and the wheels.

Welcome. Always glad to see another reverse GS. Where are the red hashes? :)
The LT4 is a real screamer. I sure enjoyed the one we had.
Thanks! Sorry, no red hash marks. They were not on the car, and I am not a fan of them. The stripe and wheels are what sold me on the car, other that the great shape it is in.
I did mine all in paint so the hashes are going to be there for awhile. My wheels are the satin silver from the ZR1, w/ZR1 offset, so I added GS flares to cover them as they do stick out some.
Check out Tuna's reverse GS and scroll about half way down.
Great Lookin' Vette! Love the powder coat wheels. Saw that process done on Discovery Ch. the other night.. Was a West coast custom cycle program. Sharp sharp sharp!

Welcome to the CAC!
Welcome Bryan to the Corvette Action Center........Park your new Vette over there by that Pink Honda and come on inside and join in.....Great people as well as great Vetts in here.......Enjoy.......:w The Lawman Said That........
Bryan, welcome to the CAC! :w
That's a great looking car, the wheels DO go with it very well :)


Your 96, sure looks fine! Love the reverse colors and a LT4 to boot.

Welcome to the :CAC You have a sweet looken ride. I love the color combo and the wheels....

Welcome! I love your "reverse GS" coupe! Did you know that that was a color combination consideration when the Grand Sports were in the planning stages?

Welcome aboard :w :pat
Congrats on your new ride.

I hope to be the next new owner to wear that ear to ear grin.
Damn if I didn't do it again!

Why does Corvette Action center list related threads that are so old. I get to reading these posts and don't think to look at the dates.

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