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Z06 Dave

New member
Aug 7, 2021
Tucson, AZ
2004 C5 Z06
Hello All! Long time Corvette enthusiast and car nut. Currently own a 2004 Z06 that I've turned into a weekend HPDE car over time, while keeping it totally civilized. Some years back I built two Factory Five Cobra replicas, so yes, I like a little Ford stuff too! Looking forward to meeting some like-minded friends here and learning a thing or two!

PS and side note: For the CAC members who have been here a long time, my old girlfriend Dawn (chevyaddict) was active on this site, especially in the earlier 2000's. Sadly, she passed away a couple of years back.


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Welcome to CAC!!!
Sorry about Dawn!
Condolences & Welcome.
Welcome to the CAC. That Z06 looks like a lot of fun.
I'm also sorry to hear about Dawn. I always enjoyed her posts.

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