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Site Update: New Product Review Added


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
It's great that Hib found an inexpensive tire pressure gauge that appears to be accurate - I've had all sorts of issues with the ones I've purchased. The pencil gauges are okay if you get the ones with metal casings and disassemble them monthly for a thorough cleaning. Still should test the readings against a known standard rather than accept the manufacturer's claim. I purchased two identical digital gauges and tested them at Rex Tire in Colorado Springs. They have a machine that gives accurate readings for their techs; they test their gauges at least once per month. My digitals read differently - one 2 psi low and the other 2 psi high at the 32 psi calibration pressure I chose. My TPS in the 08 Corvette reads 2 to 4 psi lower when compared with most of my pressure gauges. I had talked with a Chevrolet World Class tech here in Denver and he said that the TPS system in the Corvettes are accurate and I should go with the readings they give on the DIC. He did not know the range of error for the TPS readings. Haven't checked with Paul (C4C5specialist) on this yet. In any event, whatever gauge one purchases, the gauge should be tested against a standard to get a true reading. Since Christmas is approaching, I might purchase one or two as gifts to myself, but I will test them at Rex Tire first on my next trip to the Springs. The web site gives dealer locations where they can be purchased, such as O'Reilly, Advanced Auto, etc.

Thanks Hib for the information, and thanks Rob for posting it.

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