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[Product Review] Trak-Jax Race Ramps by Zip Products


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1

by Hib Halverson

For a number of years, here at the CAC's product evaluation shop, most of the cars we work on are so low in the front, we can't get our floor jack underneath the car and that's even with one of the so-called "low-profile" jacks At first we drove the front tires up on 2x4s. Then, to make that easier, we bevel-cut their ends. Once we started working a ZO6/ZO7 back in 2012 and, then later, a '19 ZR1, the tires were so wide we thought the relatively narrow (compared to the tire width) 2x4s might be hurting the tires so we made a set of ramps using a table saw and to cut up and bevel the ends of a section of 2x8 framing lumber. That worked better and we used them for a number of years. Admittedly, they looked pretty unprofessional.

Recently, one day while browsing Corvette parts vendor, Zip Products', web site we noted Zip was selling a special set of Race Ramps intended for raising the front end enough to get a floor jack under a C6 or C7 to lift on a front cradle crossmember. The product, known as "Trak-Jax," can be ordered from Zip Products with or without tire stops (PNs X-3612 or X-2184) at the tall end of the ramp. We ordered the ones with tire stops.

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