Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

New Vett owner!!!

Ty Love

New member
Sep 21, 2015
San Leandro
1986 Chevy Corvette Stock White.
Hello all!! My name is Tymaeus S. Love (Ty Love for short) and I am a proud owner of a 1986 Corvette!! I love my new baby but now I have some problems that came up... I posted a tread and was hoping for some help!! Again, I so very happy! I have wanted a Vett all of my life and now I have one!!! Yea!!!
Welcome and Congratulations

Glad you've joined us!
Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome aboard Ty. :w You've come to the right place with your questions. We have a multitude of people here, who are very knowledgeable and willing to help. Corvette ownership is one of those things that many people long for, sometimes it takes us years before we are able to achieve it.
WELCOME, TY. Enjoy the new ride.
New Vett owner

Hi Ty and welcome
I to am a new Vette owner mines an 86 model
and Ive had it for just one month
and loving it also the steering wheel is on the right side
John in Australia
Hi Ty and welcome
I to am a new Vette owner mines an 86 model
and Ive had it for just one month
and loving it also the steering wheel is on the right side
John in Australia
Welcome to the Forum Ty. :w

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