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No Backup Lights


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
I tested with the key on, trans in reverse, engine off. I have checked bulbs, fuse in box on pass side of dash, and transmission connector. I did not unplug the trans connector because it is too diffuclt to reach, but it is fully seated. There are two connectors on the driver's side of the trans, one that connects to an external module, midway back, that is the 1-4 skip, and another at the top front that I an guessing is the reverse lights. The only other connector I could find was the speed sensor connection. All of the other tail lights work, so it does not look like a ground problem.

Is there another connector that I am missing? Is there a way to check the reverse light switch on the trans without removing the clutch slave cylinder?

I am in no hurry to get it fixed, but need to before state inspection time.
Same thing happened on my car

Sometimes the lights would work but most often would not. It was the switch in the transmission. Apparently this is quite common on 6-speed vettes.

Anyway all you need is a large spanner to undo the switch from the side of the trans but it is a bit tight in there and you may have to manouver carefully around the exhaust to get to it. Fortunately I had the trans out to change the clutch and change the oil.

I think the part was about $60 but it's probably worth shopping around. This is most likely your problem.
I'm in the same boat! I have a new switch and suspected it was bad because the service records that came with the car show that it's been replaced before. I gave it a mild attempt at changing while changing my oil but can't get to it! If I pull the slave cylinder, I might just be able to get to it. It's a 22 millimeter or7/8 wrench. My question is can I pull the slave cylinder by removing the two nuts and put it back on without opening a whole new can of worms? My slave cylinder experience is mostly Toyota and everything involved is external on them.

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