OK brain trust: Just drove back from Carlisle today in high heat, 90+. Temp inside the car had to be over 100. We stopped at a service station to pick up a company car that had just been inspected, and I filled the tank on my '75. Went to start the Vette back up and nothing! The only thing you see is the ammeter pegging left like a dead short. This has happened maybe 4 times over the last 7 years, all in extremely hot days after driving over a hour or so. You let the car sit and cool down and it starts right up. Of course there were no mechanics on duty at the time. One mechanic had told me before, that it was the "starter" side of the HEI module in the distributor overheating and opening. Then why the ammeter pegging negative like a short? I am now thinking starter. The starter sits right over the intersection of the crossover and the passenger side of the exhaust manafold. I have never been able to have this happen when a mechanic was around to see it. Once it cools down, the car starts normally. Anyone have any similar experiences?