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normal readings for 88 automatic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gerry
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I have been following the posts on temp. operating conditions of the C4 with great interest and I have the following questions which refer to normal operating conditions on unmodified 88 auto coupe:

1. What is the normal fully warmed up coolant temp. range?

2. What is the normal etc. oil temp. range?

3. What is the normal etc. idle oil pressure and oil pressure at 3000 rpm?

4. Can / should you see oil temp. higher than coolant temp? And if so under what conditions?

Thank you for any info.

Best regards,

I have a 86 automatic, this time of year (winter) here's what I see:

1.) normal warmed up coolant temp- 174-181 range cruising

2.) normal warmed up oil temp- 185-190

3.) normal idle oil pressure 45-50, 3000 rpm 62-65

4.) Yes, you can and I think you should, under normal conditions.

In traffic, I notice coolant temp rises quicker than oil temp, but once on the move, coolant temp drops off much quicker, thats all normal, and exactly what it should do.

normal 88

Thanks for the info Thom. I see
1. coolant =195-205 cruising

2. oil temp = 190-205

3. idle pressure = 25-30 3000rpm = 50-53

4. I see same as you.

Do you think I should worry about the low idle oil pressure?

Best regards,

Your oil pressure just fine, all within normal manufacture limits, I've always had a little higher oil press, been that way since I bought it new in 86.

FYI, I've always use 10w30 oil (book calls for 5w30), and a larger oil filter (PF35), instead of the smaller one GM put on it (PF25)... alittle more oil and alittle more filter never hurts...

normal 88

Thanks again Thom, I am using 0w30 amsoil synthetic as per a recommendation from the amsoil rep at Carlisle,Penn. I always used 20w50 racing oil before on all my other cars and have had great success with it for 17 years. I think the tolerances on this engine after 16 years might be loose enough to switch back to the 20w50. I only just recently purchased and repaired this car and now have it on the road and am learning all the quirks. It runs good now and I will be slowly modifying it for more power ( I got a free chip and lower thermo ). These temps are higher than I see in my other cars and I am still a little worried by this even if it is normal for this model. I appreciate the help.

Best regards,
Your oil pressure and temperatures sound fine to me. My oil pressure is similar to yours (basically identical with Mobil 1).

My cruising coolant temps are similar in the summer but lower in cooler weather because I have a 160 degree thermostat and a Hypertech chip that starts my cooling fan at 174 degrees.

Radar :)
thom said:

I have a 86 automatic, this time of year (winter) here's what I see:

1.) normal warmed up coolant temp- 174-181 range cruising

2.) normal warmed up oil temp- 185-190

3.) normal idle oil pressure 45-50, 3000 rpm 62-65

4.) Yes, you can and I think you should, under normal conditions.

In traffic, I notice coolant temp rises quicker than oil temp, but once on the move, coolant temp drops off much quicker, thats all normal, and exactly what it should do.


This is correct. In hot weather things will climb a bit. I only use the suggested 5W-30 though...
normal 88

Radar and others,

Thanks for the information as it alays some of my fears.

Radar, I was given the same hypertech chip and 160 thermostat as you have in your car and I intend to try them after I get some info. I have checked the hp of my car with a G-tech pro and get consistant 202-206 hp (no mods). What type of power increase if any did you see and did it affect any of your conditions other than the coolant temp (because of the thermo and fans)?

Best regards,

You could also consider using a couple bottles of Water Wetter to your coolant system. It is costly, about $7-8 per bottle, but it will drop those temperatures down. In 95 degree + weather, I was cruising at 184 on the coolant.
Don't waste your money on WATER WETTER it WILL NOT lower your temps!!!!
Sure worked for me and my 91! Guess that falls under the category of "results may vary".

It's meant to drop the temperatures quicker when you get going. It's not going to drop the temperature to 170 when you're sitting in traffic. That would just go against the laws of thermodynamics. It worked for me and I recommend it to everyone that asks, or doesn't ask.:L:L:L
That C4 garu guy said that dropping your temps down too far is defeatist. Something about the fuel not burning properly...
He sounded pretty smart!
normal 88

This thread along with the 160 degree thermo thread come at an opportune time. The new issue of hemmings muscle car magazine has an artile about NPG+ from the Evans cooling company (www.evanscooling.com). This makes for some interesting reading. If this has already been discussed elsewhere I apoligize and if the moderator thinks the thread should be moved please do so. Basically NPG is a propylene glycol based coolant ( see link for complete description) that boils at approx. 369 degrees the article poses that benefits can be derived from using this as coolant. The reasons sound plausible and I was wondering if anyone has experience with this stuff (NPG+). Perhaps with a new technology we can have our cake and eat it too.

Best regards,
I had this Evan's Coolant in my '85 when I first bought it. The stuff is like kalua and caused my car to overheat twice!!! Switching back to regular coolant was a pain because it took forever to get that Evans crap out of my system. I wouldn't recommend it. If Evans was so great car manufacturers would have picked up on it by now!!! JMO
When did you have the evans coolant in your car? The issue of Hemmings muscle car that had the article about it said they had a new formulation more conducive to normal cooling systems. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I will also stay with what is working until I see more conclusive results and more people who are using this coolant. I am too old to be the "guinea pig" these days. Thanks again.

Best regards,
I have a question about the 20W50 Racing Oil

I have thought about using this in my 86...101,000 miles

I have been using 10W30, but the oil pressure drops under 20 pounds at idle when hot (over 210). I know the answer to the problem is a new engine, but it runs strong and uses no oil....

Does anyone have any perspectives on the pors/cons of the heavier racing oil...I understand the racing oil has stuff in t that might help other things too... :beer
zog said:
I have thought about using this in my 86...101,000 miles

I have been using 10W30, but the oil pressure drops under 20 pounds at idle when hot (over 210). I know the answer to the problem is a new engine, but it runs strong and uses no oil....

Does anyone have any perspectives on the pors/cons of the heavier racing oil...I understand the racing oil has stuff in t that might help other things too... :beer

check it with a mechanical gauge to confirm that is the pressure.

that pressure is okay anyway, however the senders are just a ballpark pressure reading..
i finally put a 180 thermo in my L-98 i just got tired of my wife calling me to tell me the car was over heating and i should get it checked out. though she gets nervous when it got up around 200 and would freak out it's a little quicker off the line with a cooler stat in it but the fuel milage suffers a little with a cooler air charge,main reason for the higher motor temps is better fuel mileage and so on

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