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Oil and tire changes

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Where to get Vette oil change.

I have always maintained that it is NOT where you take your Vette for service, but WHO will be doing the work that is the most important consideration. I have heard horror stories at Chevy dealerships (Vette falling off lift, Vette backing into another car inside the service area, oil and grease left in driver cockpit and other bad experiences). We have a Corvette owner in my area who has a garage. He is fussy and very knowledgeable when it comes to service and repair. He is competitive with dealerships for service (Mobil 1 change and lube around $50) but you know the work is being done correctly. My suggestion is to ask members of a local Corvette club where they get their service done - they are a really good source of information in all things Corvette. Enjoy!

I agree totally with Ron. :bang

My original dealer did not do the oil change correctly my first change at 1500mi, and only put in 5 quarts the first time. I caught it when I went to pay and noticed the bill was for only 5 quarts. I now do all my own, and when I take it to my local Goodyear Tire shop for tires or to work on my car they treat me and my car well. I usually am there the whole time and help out for most of the things we do. I agree that its far more important who does it than where its done.

I get my oil changed at my local mechanics shop. I would do it myself but i dont have a lift and the cars too low! Anyhow i go in there and i always talk to the guy about cars while hes changing the oil. He did some work on my impala for me so he likes to chat. Im thinking about applying for a job there. Great Place i never worry about leaving my vette there for a second.


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