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Oil consumption

  • Thread starter Thread starter vetintrouble
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I have a 2001 coupe that is burning oil at a rate of 1 quart per 300 miles. GM wants to do a ring job. I say I want a new car, 6500 miles. Anyone having this problem?
vetintrouble ~ Welcome to the Corvette Action Center Community ~

I wish you luck with your new baby. Here are two previous posts about this issue. They may be of help I'm sure there will be more discussion about this issue ;)

Good Luck and welcome aboard.

Just click on these two topics..

Topic #1. "Ring Rumor"

Topic #2. "Two Issues"
Hi there,.
I can tell you for a fact, as long the engine is assembled by a competent technician, you will be fine.
Your oil consumption will be up above 1 qt in 2500-3000 miles.
I have done many, and I have not had one further issue, with these that I have done.
Besttoall, c4c5:hb
Thanks for the info. But I am still in the dark. Neither GM nor the dealer has told me why I need rings? What is the problem? Is it known? How many cases are there? Are they putting in oversized rings? Etc..... What tests should be done? (no one has done any testing, they just keep filling it up).
Hi there,
It is basically pressure differences within the ring sealing area, whereas, above 3000 rpm, the pressures unseat the second compression ring, therefore, allowing oil blowby.
If your vehicle is run above 3000 rpm, for a consistant time, you will use oil.
They will not install oversized rings, simply a different design.
There is a technical service bulletin for this condition.
Cases, I do not know, I have done 17 myself.
There is no testing to be done, as a standard compression test will not show any problems.
Besttoyou, and please keep us posted on your issues, c4c5:hb
c4c5 is right. I have done the ring replacement myself and it has cured the oil consumption every time. The revised 2nd ring is of a scraper design and the revised oil garter ring is a higher tension to prevent "ring flutter" at high rpm-low load conditions. Find a dealer thats done a few of these ring jobs and let them look at it.
Oil Consumption

Thanks for the info. It sounds like this is something that has to be done. I am very concerned about it though. I really do not have a good feeling that my brand new Vet has to be worked on this extensively. I want a new car. I bought this car new. I cannot imagine after 6500 miles having this done. I am not happy about it. I am in contact with GM about getting the car replaced. I had it in the shop 6 times already and all they did was replace the dip stick twice and add oil. I do not think GM is going to do anything about it. I spoke to a Lemon Law attorney and they said they would try to do something, so we will see.
Welcome to CACC. Sorry to hear about the problem, but hopefully you can get it taken care of. Good luck.

vetintrouble said:
Thanks for the info. It sounds like this is something that has to be done. I am very concerned about it though. I really do not have a good feeling that my brand new Vet has to be worked on this extensively. I want a new car. I bought this car new. I cannot imagine after 6500 miles having this done. I am not happy about it. I am in contact with GM about getting the car replaced. I had it in the shop 6 times already and all they did was replace the dip stick twice and add oil. I do not think GM is going to do anything about it. I spoke to a Lemon Law attorney and they said they would try to do something, so we will see.
I am confused...you have had the Vette several years and every 300 miles it burns a quart of oil and you have 6500 miles on it now...I can't figure out why you didn't take it in years ago after driving 900 miles and burning a few quarts of oil:confused
If I were a dealer I would be suspicious of you and your Vette...especially for not doing hardly anything about it years ago.....now your warranty(36,000/3 year)is even expired...
And about you wanting a complete new Vette.....;LOL ;LOL ;LOL Good luck!

one last thing dude...why don't you become a member here?..its free and easy...do you have something to hide by not registering here?...that in itself is suspicious:D
'04 Torch Red, this was posted in jan. 2002.
vetintrouble said:
........ I want a new car....... I am not happy about it. I am in contact with GM about getting the car replaced............

you can't be serious?!?..... you're talking about a 4 year old used car.

get the ring upgrade job..... it's not a big deal at all, you may have to pay for it out of your pocket though (since you waited so long to deal with it)

if you're not the type to do it yourself.... shop around and find a tech/ mechanic you can trust.

life's not over :)

LLC5 said:
'04 Torch Red, this was posted in jan. 2002.

Thats incredible...seems like it was just yesterday:L :L

Vettefan87 said:
This thread is three years old guys. I am sure he had it fixed by now.

hilarious...didnt even check the date...this thread was on the first page of the C5 Technical and Performance thread page.....man this forum is hoppin.....:L :bang next thing you know there will be a loaf of bread here thats 3 years old and moldy;LOL

(note to self)>>>save previous response to oil consumption thread for a person who waits 3-4 years to do something about their problem:L ...my bad:beer
LLC5 said:
'04 Torch Red, this was posted in jan. 2002.

Congrads on your first post on the cac forum....you bagged me on your first post....:L :bang :beer
Vettefan87 said:
This thread is three years old guys. I am sure he had it fixed by now.
Hope he got it fixed...
btw, I don't think he ever registered as a member here...this was his last post...
01-19-02, 01:07 AM #4 vetintrouble vbmenu_register("postmenu_52861", true);

So you think he wrecked and died?:ugh
[QUOTE='04 Torch Red](note to self)>>>save previous response to oil consumption thread for a person who waits 3-4 years to do something about their problem:L ...my bad:beer[/QUOTE]

Man, 04Torch, this thread was dead and buried since before I joined CAC. You must have done a forum search to revive this one. Between your first response in this thread, and the last one anyone had posted, a gap of nearly 38 months has elapsed.

I'm guessing Vetintrouble left the site some time ago (prior to one of our forum software upgrades.) Hence, his showing up as a "guest." He probably was a member... way back when.

Were you trying to find an answer to the (currently active) Oil Consumption thread in the C5 General Discussion Forum? If so, while I appreciate the efforts, I'm reasonably sure there are more recent discussions than this one.

Patrick said:
Man, 04Torch, this thread was dead and buried since before I joined CAC. You must have done a forum search to revive this one. Between your first response in this thread, and the last one anyone had posted, a gap of nearly 38 months has elapsed.

I'm guessing Vetintrouble left the site some time ago (prior to one of our forum software upgrades.) Hence, his showing up as a "guest." He probably was a member... way back when.

Were you trying to find an answer to the (currently active) Oil Consumption thread in the C5 General Discussion Forum? If so, while I appreciate the efforts, I'm reasonably sure there are more recent discussions than this one.


hehe...yea Patrick...did you see what I said after I realized it?...

"hilarious...didn't even check the date...this thread was on the first page of the C5 Technical and Performance thread page.....man this forum is hoppin.....:L :bang next thing you know there will be a loaf of bread here thats 3 years old and moldy;LOL

(note to self)>>>save previous response to oil consumption thread for a person who waits 3-4 years to do something about their problem:L ...my bad:beer"

my man 66427-450 followed me right off the edge of the building...at least I wasnt alone....:L

well I guess the current thread is a dupe of the old thread...I must have linked it from the new thread when I was reading all of the posts in the new thread...
6 Shooter said:
Welcome to the :CAC

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter

:L ....thats great...so hes been a member since Sept. 2004 and just has one post???
Originally Posted by LLC5
'04 Torch Red, this was posted in jan. 2002.

New Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Wa.
Posts: 1
My Corvette:
98 6spd convert.

Did he ever get a new Vette or did they just replace the #2 oil rings???..Now go find out the answer Sherlock Holmes:D
Also are you saying that LLC5 is
vetintrouble vbmenu_register("postmenu_52667", true); ???

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