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Oiling K&N - Need Advice Quick!



I use the K&Ns in my car mostly because it's cheaper than buying paper for the Subarus and I want all the air I can get in the Vette. Subaru OEM paper filters are about $15 each and the K&N was $23. It pays for itself in less than two years, and I've owned one for 9 and the other for 7. A single $10 recharge kit is still going strong.
I grabbed the operative paragraph from the bobistheoilguy website.
So what do these results mean? For one, there is very little pressure drop across any air filter, and the difference between the best (K&N) and worst (paper) is very small. Yes as total power output increases, air flow increases, and differential pressure would also increase. So a K&N probably does yield some power on higher output race motors where every last ounce of power must be squeezed out. On lower powered street cars, it is probably not much of an improvement over paper.

So basically, if you don't mind the time & mess of cleaning & reoiling a K&N, you will get an almost immeasurable difference in airflow which won't make much difference in performance. In other words, I'm sticking to paper.

Not to add insult to injury here, but the main reason I stay away from the K&N and any other "oil" treated air filter is because you can and will most likely do damage to the MAP....that oil will "evaporate" into the air flow and in time it will, and has, clog/gum it up! Now what do you do?
Call K&N and ask them to help out??? Ya Right !!

My 2 cents worth!!!
FWIW, I have run K&N's for over 300,000 miles in MAF-equipped cars and never had a coating problem. A MAP would be even less affected due to its location.
I assume you're running the K&N filter on an open intake box (without the louvered cover over the air cleaner) mine was that way when I bought it. What really made the difference was replacing the mufflers with muffler eliminators. I think there's no use putting more air in if you're still restricting the output. I don't know how much horsepower I've gained but it must be a fair amount because the acceleration is much improved!:_rock
Good point, So Bay.

Unless the engine uses some form of forced induction, it draws in a limited quantity of air. All quantitative evidence says the difference between a K&N and paper is almost unmeasurable for the street engines. Draw your own conclusions.

2 each his own . . . if ya like paper . . . go for it!

I have a Dual Cone K&N Air Filter Intake . . . there's just something about Cleaning & Maintaining the K&N Air Filter Elements that I like.

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter

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