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OT - could use a little assistence please

thanks Warren

you and one or two others also commented on the font type or size on the blue sidebar link buttonns. Unfortunately that's one aspect i have no control over. Within the software I use to make the website you can choose a "theme" for overall look of the site being built and on sidebar link buttons the style of the buttons and the test font/size of test in those buttons are set and not changable unless I choose to go with a different theme altogether......
On my 19" LCD I run the native 1280 x 1024 resolution which actually makes everything look a bit smaller than at 1024x768 and on MINE it displays very defined and readable so I'm not sure why it displays as difficult to read on some other systems. Only a few people mentioned difficulty reading the text in the sidebar buttons so I don't know the problem unless maybe it's the selected font size choosen to display within some peoples browser settings?? If Windows is like Mac, the text size is a changable setting within the browser preferences.
Other than that possibilty I'm not sure what else to do.

I think the slow loading should be be fixed once it gets published up on the normal server rather than my own computer where it's temporarily at just for testing purposes.

Thanks for helping me check the site! :)
What an undertaking! My hat is off to you :m

It looks good from here- IE 6 and Firefox 1.5 on win XP (media center). Really crisp, easy to read, no clutter of background wallpaper or wav file loops that some sites use. All the links that I tried worked.

It looks like you made the fonts bigger since yeterday..? or maybe it is because I have on my glasses today :L ... It looks good. The nav buttons look very slick and give good visual feedback when you roll over them.

I noticed that the first time I loaded the page with IE, then switched back to the CAC, that IE wouldn't respond when I clicked back on the title bar of the window containing your page (still loading). It wouldn't respond until the page finished loading. Then all was fine. I could not duplicate using firefox, or even IE the second time I tried it (but I was able to duplicate on a third try). Don't know what's up with that, sounds similar to the lockup described earlier. I am NOT a web site developer, but in the world of desktop development, this type of behavior happens if something very processor-intensive is going on, and the code doesn't allow the UI to take any cycles to do things like screen refreshes. In VB, you put in a line of code to "DoEvents". I have NO idea what the equivalent in html/javascript would be.

It looks like it is targeted at a 800x??? resolution (?)... the page width doesn't resize (larger) if the explorer window is sized larger. So I end up with a giant explorer window, with text in the middle that only goes up to 800 pixels (I'm guessing here). That might be one thing that you might look into as a future enhancement, to accommodate people who are running higher resolutions. No big deal, and plenty of sites (Z06Vette comes to mind) do the same thing.

I'm running 1920 x 1200 resolution, here is a snapshot of what it looks like side-by-side vs the CAC (on IE).


Again, what a fantastic job you've done.

Hey Barry

LCD monitors are for the most part designed to run at 1024 by 768 (the term native) with some exceptions, if you are using anything higher its not "native" anymore - but if the website looks good at higher settings (more info packed into a samller space) than it should be readable in lower settings where things are larger.

A problem website builders run into is making a site on their own screen set to a specific resolution, and having it fill out the page on systems running other browsers and screen sizes. I made my website back when i had an old CRT monitor running 800 by 600, so now I have a big empty space on the right when viewed at higher sizes. ANYWAY- your site looks mighty fine.

You started out with a very good fisrt try, and websites are always changing so good luck in the future with growth of the site, it never ends.

Happy holidays!

Hi Tammy

Yep, I suspect the loading issues are because of the sloe upload from my computer and should be fixed when it moved to the correct server. I HOPE!!

I did increase the font size since yesterday as per the suggestion of many.

I didn't specifically target any particular resolution. I simply built it to try to look good on my own monitor and honestly forgot my monitor's resolution is a native 1280x1024 so since Warren brought to my attention and reminded me that most monitors don't go that high I'm glad it doesn't seem to be causing many problems.

On the program i'm using to build the site (easy to use and no HTML knowledge required!! :) ) the simplicity of the program also creastes a few drawbacks that I'm slowly discovering and one of those is that the page widths are "fixed" or 'frozen" and it doesn't resize.
Oh well..... it will have to do as is for now until someone with HTML knowledge is willing to take on the task of building another site themselves which I don't see happening very soon.

thanks for the screenshot! Very helpful to know how it looks on another browser. Stepinwolf was kind enough to also do the same.
looks like the increase in font size helped.



PS. i just made some changes again and now that first home page is messing up badly. Figures....... almost done and now the problems start.
Website development is a field i'm glad I didn't enter for a career..... LOL

yep, once it's up and working on the correct server there will be lots of improvements and changes to it, no doubt! :)

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