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Pics of '64 Fuelie engine bay


New member
Oct 10, 2011
Torquay, Victoria, Australia
1964 Convertible
G'Day there, I'm currently undertaking a build of a 1964 fuelie (unfortunately not my own car) and I need to clarify the route for the oil pressure gauge line in the engine bay. I haven't been able to fine any decent pics of the area and hope someone may be able to help. Just a shot from above I think wuld do the trick. Also on a '64 does the vent hose from the Oil filler tube to the plenum have clamps on it? Can't find them in parts books. No doubt I will have further questions down the track, fuelies not really availble down here locally to look at :)
Also on a '64 does the vent hose from the Oil filler tube to the plenum have clamps on it? Can't find them in parts books.

The vent hose from the oil fill tube to the plenum doesn't use any clamps. The oil pressure gauge line routing is pretty straightforward - just goes below the bottom skirt of the top ignition shield and connects to the horizontal fitting on the F.I. oil line. Photo below is for a carb car, but the line routing is the same for an F.I. car except for the horizontal vs. vertical connection. Routing is shown in the Assembly Manual in Section 12, sheet C2.00.

Thanks for that John, the clamp issue sorted as i suspected. being at the front of the engine bay I didn't need to get that wrong. Oil line I will shape to suit. At the moment i have just fitted the power train to the chassis and in the next week or so plan to fire it up and run the cam in prior to body drop.
Much easier to sort out any small issues, leaks etc at that stage. She's a numbers match coupe and being done to pretty much NCRS guidelines, however it will be driven.

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