Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

Pinch me

father & son

Welcome, had a 78/TA, gold spec. addition 6.6 auto,and all the goodies. I though it was the ultimat driving experance,but i was wrong. Now I've got real Gold!!!!
Congrats on your beautiful '94.

There's something about a black LT1, isn't there? This is my first one too -- haven't stopped grinning since I bought it a year ago.

You will find keeping it clean a bit of a chore -- but it's a labor of love!

Don't forget to wave! :w

Hey onyx c4, yours is beautiful. I won't have a problem keeping it clean. For the last 4 years, my neighbors think I'm nuts when I'm outside cleaning my cars in the darkness. Big wave back.
Welcome, nice looking, your si sone of t efew I have seen where the letters have been inserted ino the Corvette insignia I like, the red looks quite good.

It is a good place here
Congrats on the purchase....Mark down on your calender for a great Vette show in Englishtown at Raceway Park 8/5/06 Saturday. All Vettes. You can run the 1/4 do autocross and get your car judged. Check this link www.corvetteexpress.com. Congrats again neighbor!!!

Very nice! I'm partial to 94's though. I know the feeling. I had a 64 30 some odd years ago and it took 28+ years to get back. Welcome to CAC.

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