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PROMinator group purchase on another forum

Oct 30, 2001
Glen Burnie, MD, USA
1986 Bright Red Coupe
Mods, feel free to delete or move this if it's inappropriate.

Bill and Ken, the guys who build/market the PROMinator MEMCAL replacement system, are doing a group purchase on thirdgen.org. $50 off the Pro version ($225 vice $275); the standard version is not currently available.

Prominator: http://www.speedtronics.net/aboutprominator.asp

Link to the GP page: http://thirdgen.org/techbb2/showthread.php?s=&postid=2539030

Only caveat - you have to pay up-front and it'll be 4-6 weeks. They're doing a large manufacturing run because they can't keep up with demand but the parts still have to get made...

IMHO, this is the coolest self-tuning tool ever to come down the pike... Placed my order already...
Craig was thinking about getting one, but what all can you do with it except tune? Can you download the tables onto a PC or anything and plot the charts? It seemed like its a lot of money just to scan the engine functions.

Personally I like thirdgen.org, usually they have good deals on parts. Nothing wrong with trying to benefit a couple members over here. Or at least I don't think so.

*EDIT oops didn't see the link to the prominator website.
Yeah, it's not really a scanner... it lets you create your own MEMCAL without needing a burner or dealing with burning chips. With the Pro version, you can actually change the tables WHILE the engine is running. Cool!
rrubel said:
Yeah, it's not really a scanner... it lets you create your own MEMCAL without needing a burner or dealing with burning chips. With the Pro version, you can actually change the tables WHILE the engine is running. Cool!

That would be very cool.
The Prominator is my design, and Ken's idea. (Ken is the founder of the Crossfire Inection Vault web site) In a nutshell it replaces the EPROM in the earlier ECMs (about '82 thru early 90s). What happens is the EPROM socket that is soldered to the ECM is removed and the Prominator board gets installed in its place. There is a short ribbon cable that attaches to the Prominator board to give access to another cable that connects to a laptop PC. This allows the ECM to be put back in it's correct location and accessable for programming. Nothing looks worse than having the ECM hanging in the floorboard to gain access to the EPROM.

The reason we are doing a group purchase is to raise funding to get production sent to a professional assembly house. To date I have been assembling these in my basement...and demand has come to the point where I just can't keep up...so we decided the best thing to do was to put a hold on taking more orders until we can get set up to keep up with demand...plus the assembly quality will be a little better (but not much...I'm pretty darn good at soldering :L).

I have talked to Rob in the past about mentioning the Prominator on this site. I don't try to solicit sales...I just want to make people that are into that kind of stuff aware of it's existence.

As mentioned before...if this is out of line then please do remove it. If not then please feel free to ask any questions.

I am interested, if only I can get my brother to kick in half.
Get the one with the bin switch. That way you can have multiple bin images loaded and switch between them. I have had one for quite a while and it works great. Makes tuning much easier. :D


Time.. I don't have any - I am working in a large enterprise level system migration which has been all consuming. Just like you I have been busy with work as well as school which finishes next week (9/27).
Mic, you'll probably want to order your own since it replaces the MEMCAL. That, or we share the use of it for tuning and one of us gets a chip burned with the best setup while the other uses the PROMinator.

You STILL haven't said how you did at the track!
rrubel said:
Mic, you'll probably want to order your own since it replaces the MEMCAL. That, or we share the use of it for tuning and one of us gets a chip burned with the best setup while the other uses the PROMinator.

You STILL haven't said how you did at the track!

ok cool thats all i needed to know :D will be ordering in the next few weeks :D

read the other post around here somewhere we are locked in debate in. i think it's the original i wanna burn chips post :D

btw i'll call ya tomorrow (friday afternoon)
Just FYI guys...Ken lives just outside of Galveston, TX...so at the moment this group purchase isn't at the top of his "priority list". He left town on Tuesday with whatever he could pack into his truck and headed inland. We'll just have to wait out this storm situation.


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