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News: Prosecutors: Two suburban men ran $1.5 million Corvette theft ring


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Prosecutors: Two suburban men ran $1.5 million Corvette theft ring

By Rachel Dissell,
The Plain Dealer


CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Prosecutors say two suburban men hired thieves to steal 67 Chrevrolet Corvettes from car dealers as part of a $1.5 million racketeering scheme.

The cars were then stripped at "chop shops" and the parts were sold to Corvette enthusiasts at swap meets over more than four years, according to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's office. Some of the cars were worth more than $100,000, according to the indictment.

Federal agents arrested William Rocco, 51, of Macedonia and Ron Mysyk, 65, of Westlake, early Wednesday morning.

* Full Story with Document Linked Above *
Guess they figured nothing of value on my car... :thumb

Interesting that they targeted the dealerships. What exactly was the best way to steal new C6's? Were these guys really technical and able to spoof the fobs, or did they have people inside each dealership to supply them the fobs? Were they hijacking the car carriers?
The article doesn't mention any of this. Unless it's all in the indictment which I didn't read.

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