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Question on verifying rear end numbers for a 63


Aug 23, 2010
Toledo, OH
63 Coupe, 77 Coupe, 86 Coupe, 94, Coupe
OK Heres a test for you NCRS guys. Looking to verify if these numbers for '63 rear end differential case are legit and would pass judging.

Car assembly on Jan 21 '63 per vin 107217. Rear end case # is 3818753-N, casting date L222, assembly CE 1 16 63. Would these be correct for his car and legit for judging?
OK Heres a test for you NCRS guys. Looking to verify if these numbers for '63 rear end differential case are legit and would pass judging.

Car assembly on Jan 21 '63 per vin 107217. Rear end case # is 3818753-N, casting date L222, assembly CE 1 16 63. Would these be correct for his car and legit for judging?

Yup, those numbers line up just fine for that car; however, diff "numbers" aren't judged in NCRS Flight Judging - only in Star/Bowtie judging, which is a whole different animal.

Yup, those numbers line up just fine for that car; however, diff "numbers" aren't judged in NCRS Flight Judging - only in Star/Bowtie judging, which is a whole different animal.


Thnx JZ... just getting back to this after the holidays.

So you're saying diff numbers arent even considered in flight judging? Wasnt aware of that... with all the other comparatively minor details tracked in judging, hard to believe they dont even look at diff assembly dates to ensure they line up.

Still, diff assembly of 4 or 5 days ahead of car assembly seems pretty close... would that even meet common sense given the number of days it took to get the parts to St Louis back then? Any way to check this?
Thnx JZ... just getting back to this after the holidays.

So you're saying diff numbers arent even considered in flight judging? Wasnt aware of that... with all the other comparatively minor details tracked in judging, hard to believe they dont even look at diff assembly dates to ensure they line up.

Still, diff assembly of 4 or 5 days ahead of car assembly seems pretty close... would that even meet common sense given the number of days it took to get the parts to St Louis back then? Any way to check this?

That span isn't unusual - diffs went by truck from Warren, and it was an 11-hour run to St. Louis.

That span isn't unusual - diffs went by truck from Warren, and it was an 11-hour run to St. Louis.

Makes sense... with 11 hr run, I can see why you say it lines up OK.

Thnx again JZ Thats the kind of background data I was looking for.
In case you don't know this already, "CE" code means 4:11 positraction

Yep... now trying to verify if it really has 4:11 gears inside... thinking of rolling car and watching driveshaft turns.. or jacking up rear end and turning driveshaft/wheels to verify.

any better way?
Yep... now trying to verify if it really has 4:11 gears inside... thinking of rolling car and watching driveshaft turns.. or jacking up rear end and turning driveshaft/wheels to verify.

any better way?

Nope - that's the way to do it. If you use the "jack it up" method, you'll also need to jack up the trailing arms, as the half-shaft U-joints usually ground out on the trunnions with the suspension hanging in full rebound.


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