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Question: Quieter fan?

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My first post, been using forum for couple years though and enjoyed many answers to rebuilding my '77....I'm running a stainless steel 7 blade flex fan on my '77 w/auto trans, works great as far as cooling but seems to me its SO loud...What about electric fan conversions? '77's seem to not be on any application charts, lookin' for input on this. :confused
I like electric fans. Quiet operation and they only come on when you need them.

Could not recommend a certain brand. I am sure others will chime in on this.

Plus no HP drain.

Summit set up looks good. Thanks for help

Gary :upthumbs
A stock fan and clutch set up will run quieter than your flex fan without having to go to an electric set up.

thanks for all good input, I'm going shopping :v

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