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Ram Air/Electric Choke Problem Revisited

The Benefits Of Cold Air And/Or Ram Air

All of the cars and pickups now days have cold air or ram air because of the many benefits from either method used. For every 50 degree drop in intake temperature there is a 3.3% gain in power and there's a 5% gain for ram air at 75 mph. So if an engine has cold air AND ram air it'll get a 10% or so on a 100 degree day.

I got the idea when I was looking at my '82's hood one day. I could see it was ALMOST ram air except for the heated air pipe coming from the left exhaust manifold. I realized I could add some sheet metal to my L-88 style hood and modify my 14" X 3" open air filter so the hood would seal against the air cleaner base. About 100 hours later I had a fully functioning Ram Air that was also a cold air as it inducted the air from the front of the radiator.

Of course I lost the intake "roar" of the open air cleaner under a heavy throttle but that's okay.


  • 1971 Corvette Ram Air Hood 001 (1).jpg
    1971 Corvette Ram Air Hood 001 (1).jpg
    246 KB · Views: 145
  • 1971 Corvette Ram Air 005.jpg
    1971 Corvette Ram Air 005.jpg
    256.9 KB · Views: 139
Did Forrest Gump say you never know what's under toobroke's hood until you lift it?

Anyone who is ok with spending 100 hours of their own time for 10 percent of nothing would be a scary proposition to even consider opening the hood.
Anyone who is ok with spending 100 hours of their own time for 10 percent of nothing would be a scary proposition to even consider opening the hood.

After 100 hours wasted; we do know the reasons why he is too broke to retire. ;)

The flip side is the amusement value. :D

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