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Red, Black, or Yellow C5 - Which do you prefer?

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Which color do you prefer - Red, Black, or Yellow for your C5? These are popular color choices for the C5 and I was wondering which color the forum members preferred.

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Of these three choices most certainly black.... I wish I could like the red but red is so cliche for sports cars and since I prefer to be "different" I just never liked red... or least conventional red. I like yellow but not this particular shade of yellow. If it was more bright then I would probably go with that!
Too bad Silver is not a choice - I have owned a Red, Black and Yellow Vette.
chevyaddict said:
red is so cliche for sports cars

That's why the wife nicknamed ours "Common Red" when I bought it. She's still whining about the purple C4 being gone as it was so unique. (I still miss it too... )
Myself, I'm partial to red. Always wanted a red vette and finally got one. I had a black one (1980), looks great when clean, but a pain in the butt to keep black clean.
Between the three colors offered, I'd pick yellow. My black truck looks dirty 5 minutes after a wash. Always have liked yellow C4s and Sharks.
I like black, but it is impossible to keep looking nice on a driver. My '97 was black, and it showed every ding and defect in the paint... and the dust!

Im sorta partial to black!
The Drakester said:
Too bad Silver is not a choice.

Drakester - I'm with you - Remo:cool
My wife picked the color on our Z06, yellow, and I have to admit I hated it at first. I thought it was gaudy. I wanted Silver. Lately the Z06 has become my daily driver and I've noticed some interesting things happening. First, a yellow vette has got to be the most visible car on the road. I'm convinced there's a safety advantage. Not one car has accidentally veered into my lane on the freeway when I'm next to them. Here in the great state of Oregonia sloppy lane discipline is a way of life. I can't tell you how many times someone almost tagged my silver Bimmer. Secondly, my commute involves quite a few miles of two-lane winding roads and with the yellow vette, several times per week, people pull into the turn-offs to let me by! No one EVER did that for my Bimmer. Not even once. Not even if I tailgated and flashed my lights at them. It happens more than once per week with the yellow vette. It's astonishing.

So, reluctantly, I've got to recommend Millenium Yellow. I never thought I'd say that. :)
Black Sheep Squadron!

Good reasons for owning a Black Vette & getting together with other Black Vette Owners:

1. Discuss the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome you developed trying to keep it clean!
2. Stand around and watch the dust collect!
3. Compare swirl marks!
4. Compare Prozac dosage due to fingerprint anxiety!
5. Discuss and compare the pressure and velocity of the water hose used to spray off all the WHITE bird crap on your black car.
6. Discuss the many pounds of turtle wax used to get out those dried water marks off your car from the rain.
7. After all that cleaning, you begin driving your shiny black corvette feeling great, only to discover that you did not get all of the hidden water out of the side mirrors....... Also known as "Side Streak Stress Disorder"!!!.
8. Comparing burn scars from touching your car after being parked in the hot sun.

9. People don't mistake you for a Ferrari.

10. If you turn off the lights, the cops can't see you at night.

11. You never have to buy road tar removal gunk.

12. You never have to clean exhaust smoke residue off the rear.

13. You never have to remove the rubber on the rear quarters after a burnout.

14. Discuss why your other cars are NOT black.

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