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News: Restored 1957 Corvette adds to a heavenly retirement


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Sep 16, 2000
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Restored 1957 Corvette adds to a heavenly retirement

Rare model a big attraction at couple’s bed and breakfast

By Alyn Edwards, Edmonton Journal
March 28, 2013 8:03 PM


Doug Penn with his Corvette, at his home in Sechelt, B.C., on the Sunshine Coast.

EDMONTON - Absolute Heaven on B.C.’s Sunshine Coast is home to a 1957 Corvette retirement project

Doug Penn raised three children before retiring as the deputy fire chief for the city of Burnaby, B.C. and moving to Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast. His destination was absolute heaven: a.k.a. the Absolute Heaven Oceanfront Suites and Spa bed and breakfast, that he and his wife Doreen created for their life after retirement.

They brought with them the 1957 Corvette that Doug has owned since 1976. That car conveyed them on their first date. “Her father thought I was rich, driving such a nice car,” Doug recalls. Once they had completed renovations on their B&B, which includes two large private suites, the couple turned their attention to the Corvette, which had been stored for 33 years.

Full Story: Restored 1957 Corvette adds to a heavenly retirement


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I hope he does drive it. And the trip down Route 66 would be cool.
Great story! Thanks for posting.


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