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SACC Convention Trip

Bowling Green Pics.


Thanks for posting the pics of my LED's ! When my car was parked in the parking lot for the Homecoming Celibration , I purposely sat about three cars away under a tree , I wanted to see their honest, raw reaction when seeing my led's , the darker it got out the more they came. I saw some of them pointing their fingers at my car three aisles away. Some of them got down on their knees to get a closer look. I'm the only one from my area in New Jersey that has them , except the BMW 's .They are flexible strip lights,made of silicone,waterproof ,the leds point out to the side, that I put on there in a figure eight, they can be cut also every third diode , I didnt cut mine. "Ya" don't need to buy a new Beamer to get led's!
I really liked the corvette parade through the country side, the police had all cross roads blocked off , people sat in lawn chairs on the side of the road ,clapping, cheering ,waving, the homes were beautiful , mostly brick, one of the high lites of my trip . The best was meeting other C-1 owners like you and Fred.

I found another great shot of your car, Ed. :w

We hope to see you again, maybe this Jan in Florida.



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SACC pics

Hello Roger,
If I don't see you in Jan. I'll probably see you in Arizona when the convention will be there. Sure have good memories of Bowling Green.
Roger have you seen the video of the Corvette Homcoming parade thru the country side?
go to -

National Corvette Homecoming | Facebook

click on the three pics. [not as good as your pics.]
then below the three pics. [about four inches click on the video, Lenny [with the helmet] and his co-pilot ,Gerry from Texas , then I am right behind him , we got to the meeting area kind of late so we are almost at the end of the parade, the video must be about 10 min. long [a lot of cars showed up. Bill was there.

I liked your Ferguson top so much that I ordered one yesterday. I bought one from Eklers , they have a three day sale, 15% off, site wide , today is the last day [7/29].
Lately scattered storms come through with short duration,[downpours] I was caught in one on a cruise nite ,by the time I got the top up,latched ,put the windows up ,I was soaked . We didnt see the storm coming ,we were at a strip mall , the building blocked the view to the west .
I will carry it in my trunk ,just in case. [doesn't take up much room.] Much easier to put on. AND MORE waterproof.


I also carry it on the passenger seat - it's heavy enough to put over stuff I'd like to access but might blow away otherwise!

Glad you liked it - your version has some improvements over my early cover so the interior might just stay drier!

Hope to see you in FL in January.
Hello Roger,
If I don't see you in Jan. I'll probably see you in Arizona when the convention will be there. Sure have good memories of Bowling Green.
Roger have you seen the video of the Corvette Homcoming parade thru the country side?
go to -

National Corvette Homecoming | Facebook

click on the three pics. [not as good as your pics.]
then below the three pics. [about four inches click on the video, Lenny [with the helmet] and his co-pilot ,Gerry from Texas , then I am right behind him , we got to the meeting area kind of late so we are almost at the end of the parade, the video must be about 10 min. long [a lot of cars showed up. Bill was there.

I liked your Ferguson top so much that I ordered one yesterday. I bought one from Eklers , they have a three day sale, 15% off, site wide , today is the last day [7/29].
Lately scattered storms come through with short duration,[downpours] I was caught in one on a cruise nite ,by the time I got the top up,latched ,put the windows up ,I was soaked . We didnt see the storm coming ,we were at a strip mall , the building blocked the view to the west .
I will carry it in my trunk ,just in case. [doesn't take up much room.] Much easier to put on. AND MORE waterproof.


Hi Ed,
Thanks for posting those great pictures. I too had a good time at the Convention and of course it was good to see you again. Your Vette looked awesome and I really liked those LED's....
Hope to see you in FLA in Jan/Feb.
Take care of yourself and that Vette.


Hi Roger,
I have a question about your rear tiedowns. I see the "X" pattern,[on your first set of pics.] I do not have that.[I like that] My set up just has two rachets hooked to a eye bolt thing in the floor, and the other end is hooked to a strap around the solid axle housing. Well, by the time I got home to N.J. they came loose,[must have slipped sideways] does your set up have somekind of stationary hook where the rachet hook fastens to or some kind of metal cross brace to keep the straps in the same location on the axle housing? I wish I could zoom in to your pics.
Opps !I did find a way to zoom in - looks like you have eye hooks or something on your rear cross frame. Are they eye hooks?

I have straps that are about 24 inches long that attach at the rear cross frame. The straps have eyelets on them and the ratchet strap attaches to them.

I did them that way so that the car won't go side ways. Also there are straps that go straight in case of hard forward stop.

I'm sure there are other ways to attach the car. :w I'm open to suggestions.

You don't want to strap to the axles because the body will still be able to shift around.
Hope these photos help. :w


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Thanks for the reply, my straps were on the axle housing and they did come loose [must have moved sideways] , could have been my fault ,the straps must have been on an angle from the "D" bracket on the floor, my oversight, was in a hurry. I'll have to be more careful next time.

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