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News: Sam Schmidt will unveil special Corvette at IMS


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Sam Schmidt will unveil special Corvette at IMS

Curt Cavin, USA TODAY Sports
5:03 p.m. EDT May 5, 2014


SAM (semi-autonomous motorcar) Project is a collaborative effort to give a quadriplegic
individual, and potentially other disabled race drivers, the opportunity to drive a race car
at speed on a race track.(Photo: IMS/IndyCar)

HENDERSON, Nev. – A 1999 IndyCar sits inside Sam Schmidt's Las Vegas-area home. One day, Schmidt, who is a quadriplegic, hopes to drive it again. The notion is not as far-fetched as it might seem.

Schmidt already has started driving a passenger car again. He will get to publicly display his prowess later this month at Indianapolis Motor Speedway when he helps unveil an innovative technological achievement.

A black 2014 Corvette C7 Stingray has been fitted with advanced electronics and a human-to-machine interface to allow people with disabilities similar to Schmidt's to drive solo.

It's being called the SAM Project — semi-autonomous motorcar.

Full Story: Sam Schmidt will unveil special Corvette at IMS

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