Ya know the Chevrolet Volt isn't a white elephant despite it's numerous drawbacks in it's operation. And I respect your opinion, I think all of us here who are truly enthusiastic automotive junkies want to see the Volt succeed. But in truly plain terms, this 'Volt' was developed for basically the urban environment, and I think you'll see in the next 8 years, in this urban environment the 'Volt' is going to fail and fail big. From the whole aspect of recharging, and almost all homes in a city are row or brownstone and that means no garage and that means somehow finding a way to reach an extension cord to your 'Volt' from your home is going to prove a true nightmare of a weekly chore or biweekly chore. However if you live just outside a city limits then you may be able to operate the Volt as it is designed. But in doing that you will see it is a very very small group who fits this criteria. And then again the whole issue of the warranty and projected life of the 700 pound battery and as we can now see, the battery itself is really subject to real well deserved doubt. In eight years would you purchase a second hand Chevy 'Volt' ? So the 'Volt' is a viable efficient, economical automobile. But that is going to be both fleeting and undeserved level of optimism. and the continued life of this hybrid is in my opinion going to have to change to the operating system as seen in the Toyota Prius. And now I read the Nissan 'Leaf' is outselling the 'Volt' 4 to 1. :ugh