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Service Engine Soon light

MidShark said:

Is your car still for sale?


Yes, just not actively advertizing it. I can send pics and full history if desired.
Yes, I'd like it if you'd send pics and info to me at rheys@comcast.net

I tried to email you, but I'm not sure if it got through.

Thanks- Rich

I just ordered one of these off ebay for $22.00. The price is unbeatable for what it does - which is basically; giving you a code to reference and allowing you to clear the code.

OBD2 Code Reader

Update #2

This I find kind of amusing; First off, I did get my $22 eBay Code Reader. Had it to my door in 3 days...dayum. Ok, this may be a 1st, at least it is for me, I'm drivin' to work today and bingo...SES light on. So while still doing 70, I reach back into the storage compartment behind pass. seat and grab reader, plug it in, it runs the scan (up pops the same old code (PO1153) which consists of 4 cycles and then automatically clears codes (light off). I unplug it, reach back and set it into the storage compartment and I'm good to go. Never had to even stop the frickin' car let alone slow down. You gotta love this thing! :D :L

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