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Smog pump

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
Need some information on a 1966 smog pump (A.I.R. PUMP )The pump on my vette sounds like a bearing is starting to go out. I can't find much information or pictures in any of my books. Does anyone out there have a diagram or know anything about replacing the bearing or bearings, or if this is a difficult repair can someone recommend a shop that they have used before. Any information would be greatly appreciated. :confused Paul.
Need some information on a 1966 smog pump (A.I.R. PUMP )The pump on my vette sounds like a bearing is starting to go out. I can't find much information or pictures in any of my books. Does anyone out there have a diagram or know anything about replacing the bearing or bearings, or if this is a difficult repair can someone recommend a shop that they have used before. Any information would be greatly appreciated. :confused Paul.

All the detail on rebuilding the pump is covered with lots of photos in section 6T in the '66 and '67 Chassis Overhaul Manuals; however, parts are very difficult to find.

Best bet is to send it to Bill Hodel in Canton, Ohio, (330) 832-0871 - he's the "guru" for Corvette A.I.R. systems. If you want, he can "gut" the pump (remove the vanes, so it's just an idler pulley); the most common failure mode for A.I.R. pumps is seizure of the vanes to the inside of the housing.

all the detail on rebuilding the pump is covered with lots of photos in section t in the '66 and '67 chassis overhaul manuals; however, parts are very difficult to find.

Best bet is to send it to bill hodel in canton, ohio, (330) 832-0871 - he's the "guru" for corvette a.i.r. Systems. If you want, he can "gut" the pump (remove the vanes, so it's just an idler pulley); the most common failure mode for a.i.r. Pumps is seizure of the vanes to the inside of the housing.

thanks johnz, i will certainly keep that in mind......

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