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Snow Snow Snow


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
Looks like the only thing I will be driving today is the snow blower.

I wonder if I have enough zinc in my snow blower oil, hate to have the blower lose a bearing. Ha Ha Ha Ha

We are tough in Maine

Looks Pretty from 1000 miles away.. GOnna be 63 here in N. Georgia today!


Tough is great, but I rather be at the beach , surf board sticking out back of car, and looking at rather soft tan bodies

It may come your way

Glad that's not here!:ohnoes

Hi, If you don't know, I am going on a 48 state trip this summer , meeting owners of vettes for more than 30 years or so. I will be in your area and would be happy to stop and say hello.

See map. PM with name, address, email etc, if you would like me to stop by.

You can get some details from my post:


Trip route - Google Maps

Actually there are several of us here in Georgia.... there is a HISTORIC drive in resturant The Varsity The Varsity :: What'll ya have! That would be a really COOL place for you to meet up with those that could get by to see you! My biggest suggestion would be to really watch your timing getting into or OUT of Atlanta.. YOu may have heard that TRAFFIC can be ...well... difficult!
Trip USA

Actually there are several of us here in Georgia.... there is a HISTORIC drive in resturant The Varsity The Varsity :: What'll ya have! That would be a really COOL place for you to meet up with those that could get by to see you! My biggest suggestion would be to really watch your timing getting into or OUT of Atlanta.. YOu may have heard that TRAFFIC can be ...well... difficult!

Charlie, PM with info , address, zip, phone , e-mail, etc. I have been to Atlanta and loved it. It is on my route home, about late Sept, beginning Oct.

I think I have gone to the Varsity, They sell lots of dogs, before big football games , (right?) if not the same place, it still sounds great.

Trip USA

Jack, I've had Corvettes, Street Rods and race cars for 30 years or longer (not at the same time) but I'd be happy to meet you on your trip.:Steer


PM with info, email, address, phone, ect. . You are on the map.

Here in the last of fruits, nuts and high taxes, it's said we're going to get 20-inches of rain between now (monday) and Thursday night.

The only thing I'm going to be driving in the next day or so is a submarine.
Here in the last of fruits, nuts and high taxes, it's said we're going to get 20-inches of rain between now (monday) and Thursday night

Welp, there go a few more million dollar houses sliding off the hill and into the valley. It's too bad the Californicators' weather men can't get the rain and the million acre forest fires, and the ground jumping five feet into the air to coincide. When I worked as a field engineer for Kodak I spent a week in California one day. All I did was sit in traffic on the freeway, sit in traffic waiting for lights to turn green, and just sit in traffic for no reason. Loved it. I was going to go to the beach and look at the soft, tanned, pretty things but I was afraid they might be guys and I wouldn't know the difference.:) Uhh...buy new wipers and enjoy.

I'm in DE and have had my '59 since 1976, if that qualifies.

If you come up (or down) I-95, I'm about a mile off the first (or last) exit in DE. There's a decent Australian pub on the main route (DE Rte 896 North) just about the same distance from I-95 and only a couple of blocks from my house.

Be glad to see you if you're in the area

Bernie O.
Trip USA


I'm in DE and have had my '59 since 1976, if that qualifies.

If you come up (or down) I-95, I'm about a mile off the first (or last) exit in DE. There's a decent Australian pub on the main route (DE Rte 896 North) just about the same distance from I-95 and only a couple of blocks from my house.

Be glad to see you if you're in the area

Bernie O.

Hi, PM with your contact info, name, address, zip, phone and email. I can put you on the map and into my data base.

I will be coming up east coast end of Oct. . I will start Aug. in Maine.

See map
Trip route - Google Maps


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