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Some C1 Candy


Gone but not forgotten
Jun 12, 2002
West Townsend, MA
2001 Quicksilver Lingenfelter Convertible
Thought you guys might like this one. Taken at "Hot August Nights"
in Reno, Nevada.

Nice. That is a good color for the car.

Question though. :confused I thought the '57's had a pair of chrome stripes running down the trunk.

Thanks, I always associated the chrome on the trunk with the '57's because they kind of reminded me of the '57 Bel Air's with their huge fins.

Now I know better. :thumb

I'd like to know more about that car. Thanks for posting it Remo.

The top lid fits like mine. :confused Mine is somwhat better since I repaired a crack at the hinge plate but I need to seperate the skin from the reinforcement to repair it properly and get the contour back.

Did anyone notice that he has what looks to be a repro Y50 mirror on the right side and a GM reissue mirror on the left? I suppose if you drive it a lot a RH mirror is a good idea but it just don't look right to me.

top deck can be shimmed to fit. shim the inside bolt to lower the corners.

How about a guy from Oklahoma telling about that car.

Restoration was finished in 2007 in time for them to drive it to the Solid Axle National Convention in St Charles, IL just before Bloomington in June. They took it to Bloomington and parked next to my car in the Gold Year Field.

They left it on the show room floor of a Chevrolet dealer in Chicago and flew home for about a month. They flew back and drove it to Boston for the NCRS National Convention then drove it back to California.

These cars were built to be driven and they drive it. :thumb:thumb

How about a guy from Oklahoma telling about that car.

Restoration was finished in 2007 in time for them to drive it to the Solid Axle National Convention in St Charles, IL just before Bloomington in June. They took it to Bloomington and parked next to my car in the Gold Year Field.

They left it on the show room floor of a Chevrolet dealer in Chicago and flew home for about a month. They flew back and drove it to Boston for the NCRS National Convention then drove it back to California.

These cars were built to be driven and they drive it. :thumb:thumb


Thanks for sharing the info.
That is a beautiful car.
I agree with you about the drivin' 'em part!:beer
Thanks for sharing the pic Remo!


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