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Steering Box rebuild

HI Brenda,
I'm the guy who bought your Dad steering gear stock a couple of months ago up in CT.

I got to know your Dad over the years and really enjoyed speaking with him. I think we became good friends yet we never got the opportunity to meet in person.I always told him to stop in New Haven when he was in NY or even if he came to Yale to visit family attending there. Just never happened though. I was actually thinking of driving down to see him this summer if time allowed so you can imagine my shock when I first heard of his sudden passing. I really do miss him and our talks. I would try and call him every 2-3 weeks just to shoot the time with him. He would always take my calls even on the weekends.

If there is ever anything I can help you with on the 66 or that 75 vette call me, I never forget true friends and your Dad was one. Never treated me other then another friend with similar interest. Please say hi to Joan & Frank for me as well.

Can't wait to meet you! Jimmy Glass is working on the car as we speak. I don't like to give out info, but here is my e-mail so we can exchange #'s Reinaandco@yahoo.com. Here is an old picture of the car I'm hunting for! Hoping I can find the VIN #. I'll ask Joan if I can sort through any papers that were not tossed. My dad's shop is very empty. Words can't express how much I miss him. He was wonderful! Brenda


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