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Question: Suffix code

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
Need some help understanding the numbers stamped on the machined pad on the passenger side of my engine. The numbers are,
FO2I4YH. There are no other numbers on the pad. The car is a 66 coupe with a power-glide transmission. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
YH is not a suffix for a Corvette engine.

Are you sure it's not KH?
Need some help understanding the numbers stamped on the machined pad on the passenger side of my engine. The numbers are,
FO2I4YH. There are no other numbers on the pad. The car is a 66 coupe with a power-glide transmission. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It was transplanted from a '66 327/220hp 4-barrel automatic pickup truck. Original '66 Corvette Powerglide engines had either an "HO" or "HR" suffix, and had the car's VIN derivative stamped on the outboard end of the pad.

Yes the last two letters are YH. Thank you everyone for the quick responses. And a thanks to john for letting me know what engine is in my vette. Another mystery solved..... :pat

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