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Thanks Junk!

We ought to find a way to clone him!

Your out of luck guys,the "Original" mold for me was lost last September when "Charles W. Anderson" passed away!!:thumb:thumb:thumb

My thanks to the junkman! Always willing to help and most of the time has the right answer. Here's to you, Jesse! :beer

More than a freind


As we have talked over the past few years I have become convinced that you are someone that I not only admire but appreciate for all your humanity and humility. You selflessly have called me to give advice and encouragement.

Sometime ago I tried in a feeble way to recognize you with a certificate on this site. What I got in return was a friend and a person who would continue to show me his great love of what he does and is willing to share. As you have mentioned your mentor from this forum you have become my mentor not only about our cars but life.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for being who you are may God Bless You

As we have talked over the past few years I have become convinced that you are someone that I not only admire but appreciate for all your humanity and humility. You selflessly have called me to give advice and encouragement.

Sometime ago I tried in a feeble way to recognize you with a certificate on this site. What I got in return was a friend and a person who would continue to show me his great love of what he does and is willing to share. As you have mentioned your mentor from this forum you have become my mentor not only about our cars but life.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for being who you are may God Bless You

Thanks John and there was nothing Feeble about it,I appreciated it very,very much!!:thumb:thumb:thumb
There is even a copy of it hanging in my office!!
I don't make allot of money helping people on these sites,But I've met allot of interesting people and have acquired Lots of New Personal Friends!!:thumb:thumb:thumb
I have invites to come and visit from All over this country and the World,(Kuwait,Hong Kong,Japan,China,Australia,New Zealand,Britten,England,Italy,Turkey,Hungry,
Switzerland,France,Spain,Norway,Sweden, and more)and if I live long enough when I retire I'm going to start cashing them in!!:thumb:thumb:thumb
Now it's time for me to get my back side ready to roll to Sunny South Florida to Anna Mari Island where a Friend that I've never met from the UK is getting married tomorrow afternoon and has requested my presents!!:thumb:thumb:thumb
Thanks All, and "Have a Grand Weekend Everybody"!!:D:D:D


Well Jesse, I really can't add anything else to this thread that hasn't already been said, but I would like to add my .02. I have not found anywhere, another person so giving of his time, knowledge, and friendship like you. Phone calls, just to check up to see if things are working after you try to help in writing to some of us idiots...who does that? YOU. I do hope that someday our paths might cross and I can meet and "Thank You" in person. You truly are one of the greatest assets to this site and to the human race.

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