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The 572 build, is finally over

Mar 6, 2005
Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada
63 Resto Coupe-Red 65 Roadster
Well, after only two years, five months, and fifteen days, the 67 coupe has finally been completed, and saw the sun for the first time today.

To say that it has been a difficult build would be an understatement, since it has turned out to be one, if not the most involved rebuilds of my career. I would not recommend this type of resto to anyone but the most experienced builder.

I have now reached the testing stage, and will post a few more photos, when the time comes to turn it over to the new owner.

A.K.A. Bob
Are the bumpers painted green or is that a protective coating? Either way, that's a damn fine looking 67!

Are the bumpers painted green or is that a protective coating? Either way, that's a damn fine looking 67!


Mac, thank's for your kind words

As for your question, during all construction I always cover any brightwork with 3M green masking tape, so as not to have anything brush up against it, and prevent any damage occuring before the car is delivered to the customer.

However my next project ( the wide fendered 63 coupe ) will have all the bumpers powercoated the color of the car. It is going to be a two tone paint scheme, and the bumpers will be the color of the lower portion of the vehicle along with the bumper brackets.

SWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.... Excellent work as usual..:D

Maybe the new owner will drive it to Carlisle....(not):D

I figured it was a protective barrier (same stuff under the door handles) but I kinda like the look. I look forward to the next one...

Nice set of hips on that 63!

nice job.

What were the challenging aspects of the build?

I see that you have the power steering pump assist power brakes. Who made that unit and was it very hard to install and set up?

Looks terrific, Bob - another classic from the frozen north! :)

Somehow it looks so familiar....:D
The difficult part !

Hello fellows, so nice to be able to hear from all of you again. :w

The most challenging part was to get the !@$%&* engine into the bay, and close the hood. There is absolutuly nothing that fit correctly, and everything I touched, needed major mods to be able to install.

The exhaust system was also more then a little difficult, and time consuming. As most of you know, the General went from using the 2 1/2" exhausts to a 2" size in 66, and I opted for the extra performance I could expect with 3" pipes. In doing so I created a major clearence issue and was obliged to fabricate a new center x-member to have any chance of getting the pipes through. This turned out to be the least of my problems, because I had to fab up the complete system, by tig welding all the sections together from the Sanderson block huggers to the chrome tailpipes. Not one of my best moments

The installation of the six-shooter from Barry Grant was another one of my headaches because the 572 block is a tall deck. Not only were spacers needed to compensate for the different angle, but major mods to the distributor were also needed, since the angle, and depth were different with their three carb intake manifold.

The brake assiste booster was another problem, since there is no way it can be bolted up to the firewall bracket. I was obliged to make up a bracket/adapter plate that offset the hydro boost to the left side almost an inch, so that the booster could be bolted up.

Most of the issues were documented with photos, so if any one is interested in having a closer look, E-me off the Forum, robert.pelland@cgocable.ca and I can send you what ever you would like to see up close..

I could go on all evening, but I think you can all see the picture.

The car should be back to the owner within a week or so, and I am really looking forward to getting back to work on my 63 coupe with the SRIII frame.

A big thank you once again to all of you for your kind words, so you'all take good care of yourselves and drive safe :beer

So . . . you are saying that the 572 "fit's like a glove". :L

Very nice work. I'm sure the owner will be all grins.

I have a couple of questions. Do you paint the cars also? What are the 2 remotes on the console for?

So . . . you are saying that the 572 "fit's like a glove". :L

Very nice work. I'm sure the owner will be all grins.

I have a couple of questions. Do you paint the cars also? What are the 2 remotes on the console for?


I can, and have painted Corvettes for many years, however my ever present breathing problems ( I now have to use 4 of those little puffers every day) no longer permit me to do any of the final paint.

One of the remotes is for the high end " Panasonic " radio in the center dash area, the second is for a 10 disk CD changer, that is hidden in the jack storage area.

Fantastic! And the right color too.

Great to see that the project has reached this point. I know there have been many challenges you've faced but you've overcome each one. You certainly have shown a ton of determination as usual and a good plan as well. The potential outcome of some projects reminds me of a little light-hearted view of what can go wrong in a project that I put together a while back.

Congratulations! :thumb


- Real World Car Project Phases -
(If all goes wrong!)

The importance of planning, research and project management can’t be overstated for a successful project. Just to add a little levity to this subject here is an alternative view of what some may have experienced without having done the up-front work:

  • 1). Bright Idea & Planning Phase: excitement and enthusiasm overcome logic, reason and advice of others but, you have a "concrete" plan & budget laid out,
  • 2). Search for the Holy Grail Phase: reality begins to set in as finding the right car is more elusive than you thought,
  • 3). Car Acquired Phase: beginning of realization that what you bought has no resemblance to what it looked like when you bought it,
  • 4). Reality Check #1 Phase: "concrete plan" shows first signs of cracks, rethinking of what you have gotten yourself into, doubling timeframe of initial plan, doubling initial budget and an attempt to pump up enthusiasm,
  • 5). Fresh Start Phase: based on new plan and budget, begin to question sanity, alter components, modify plan and second-guess your reasoning,
  • 6). Determination Phase: ignore all obstacles, press forward with revised plan and try to enlist help of others to share the pain,
  • 7). Reality Check #2 Phase: having found few willing to share your "vision", or the pain, broaden search for anyone who is willing to take your money,
  • 8). Disassembly Phase: disassemble entire car, lose track of critical parts, fill basement, garage, attic and dining room with greasy parts,
  • 9). Construction Phase: first attempt to bring all the old and new parts into harmony,
  • 10). Reality Check #3 Phase: failing to achieve harmony, begin seeking professional help to achieve a drivable end product,
  • 11). Marriage Counseling Phase: try to repair damage to family relationships and reacquaint yourself with your spouse, kids and dog,
  • 12). Vacation Phase: things have got to look better after a long cruise,
  • 13). Reality Check #4 Phase: things really don't look any better but, since you've invested this much in the project, you might as well get back at it or sell it,
  • 14). Placing Ads for Uncompleted Project Phase: you decide to get a boat instead and sail away into the sunset.............. :o))
superb craftsmanship

Looky Looky .... The King Ray Is Up for Sale..

Look at that price... I didn't realize that a 572 ,caron fiber driveshaft and half shafts a five speed tranny and a stock frame with coil overs would be worth that much.:D....Oh..it's got BG Tri Power and it's a Vert.:D

Looky Looky .... The King Ray Is Up for Sale..

Look at that price... I didn't realize that a 572 ,caron fiber driveshaft and half shafts a five speed tranny and a stock frame with coil overs would be worth that much.:D....Oh..it's got BG Tri Power and it's a Vert.:D


Mark, it's got to the point that resto-mods, are bringing in more money then original Corvettes. My customer has more money invested in his green 67 coupe then the " King Ray's " asking price.

Mark, it's got to the point that resto-mods, are bringing in more money then original Corvettes. My customer has more money invested in his green 67 coupe then the " King Ray's " asking price.


Hence my post... Which was intended to show that your ride To me is a better build and better engineered and worth more.

Now ..I have to say...that the KingRay is a Fine Corvette built by some very smart people and is a very hi quality build. And I must give credit where credit is due. I saw the King Ray in Person and it's a beautiful Corvette. A Corvette anyone would love to own.

But I would rather spend more and buy your Build. That's just my $.02 worth.:D
My customer has more money invested in his green 67 coupe then the " King Ray's " asking price.

Awesome job, Wolf... :thumb

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