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the beast lives!!


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys and girls.... It is alive again!!!!!!!!! 88026 breathed fire tonight for the first time in over three years. just a happy camper here. got some fine tuning to do on monday but, am hopeful to move it on it's own power then. will give you guys the scoop on what has transpired. :) billy
Billy, That is GREAT NEWS!!!! Some said she would never see the road again :(

Is she under (boost) pressure???

Details man, details! :m :v
two completely reworked turbos from callaway. a small fortune in other goodies, enough machine work to keep an engine shop busy for months. we cranked it tonight, a little rough some adjustments nec. i.e. crossed wires and such. but, david will probably finish it monday. begin checking for leaks and such. then fine tuning for performance! yep, some folks said she wouldnt run again, i even thought so myself once. but, perserverence and a gold card have reawakened a very slippery car.
CALLAWAY1988 said:
two completely reworked turbos from callaway. a small fortune in other goodies, enough machine work to keep an engine shop busy for months. we cranked it tonight, a little rough some adjustments nec. i.e. crossed wires and such. but, david will probably finish it monday. begin checking for leaks and such. then fine tuning for performance! yep, some folks said she wouldnt run again, i even thought so myself once. but, perserverence and a gold card have reawakened a very slippery car.

That is VERY exciting - I am glad that Callaway Cars provided you with the reworked turbos :cool
Reeves stated in 2002 that he and his entire company would stand behind the products of the past and they have done so while forging ahead with some exciting new stuff as well :upthumbs
Again, Very good - Looking forward to hearing more :m
i hope it is a good beginning. my first vette, a 69 convertible, i just got rid of after 21 years of ownership.
CALLAWAY1988 said:
i hope it is a good beginning. my first vette, a 69 convertible, i just got rid of after 21 years of ownership.

I missed the rest of this story, what happend to your callaway? have any pics?
Glad to hear she's breathing again!! Honestly never thought Id see it.
Hey guys, i will post some pics at the first of the week. digital camera with pics is at the office. thanks for the older postings. really neat to see what has been spoken about this car. contrary to popular beliefs, the car will run again under turbo boost supplied by callaway. i will try to tell you alot more tomorrow night. thanks for the words of encouragement and i look forward to an opportunity to bring the car around for an event maybe in south east. maybe bg?
That is an awesome story!! You have put a lot of work into that car!!!
on the road again

Billy I am glad it worked out for you . When you asked me months ago I told you to call Callaway for the turbos. I am glad it worked out for you and the car will be back on the road again. Callaway is here to support the owners and the cars. Good luck Billy with the car and have a Boostiful day
that is why there is forums like this. exchanges of information and ideas and best practices, are what helps us keep old cars on the road. did not get much done today to the car.
thanks to Chris for getting those pics out to you guys. i was struggling with how to resize them from 681kb to 70 kb.. or whatever they have to be. still new at this computer thing.
CALLAWAY1988 said:
that is why there is forums like this. exchanges of information and ideas and best practices, are what helps us keep old cars on the road. did not get much done today to the car.
thanks to Chris for getting those pics out to you guys. i was struggling with how to resize them from 681kb to 70 kb.. or whatever they have to be. still new at this computer thing.

Have you gotten a chance to really drive the car yet?? I bet it must have killed with anticipation while the turbos and all were getting re-done :eek

Can't wait to hear first impressions :v :m
well, still havent driven it yet. had to go to las vegas for three days of meetings and fun.. talked to david this week. got a small oil leak at one of the oil lines coming down to the turbo. he is re ringing a z06 i think, so it may be a day or so before we get the line repaired. remember the old catsup commercial, anticipation is making me wait...? i know how that feels. driving me nuts to drive the car. but, i have learned that patience will get me what i want if i only will wait for the good stuff.

cut a corner, lose a turbo, cut two, lose an engine. cant afford the option plan

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