Got the first five hundred miles on the engine. No time to get back to dyno yet, but, here is some of the scoop. Engine built by Rob and Lamar Walden in Atlanta. Those boys have a rep in the area for fast toys. The original block had enough damage to warrant replacement. So with a new block, we line bored, hones, beaded and decked. Installed a new GM steel crankshaft. A set of new forged turbo pistons thirty over we began by adding h beam aluminum rods. New everything, in the bottom to include performance oil pumps, bolts, double roller gear sets. Contacted lunati for cam specs off of old cam. I dont know for sure what that was, but, what we have is a lunati with .413 intake and .429 exhaust. duration at .050 tappet of 206 in and 214 ex. advertised duration 264degrees in. and 271 exh. balanced the entire bottom engine replaced that stock harmonic balancer with a solid metal piece that cost some three hundred dollars. of course dont forget that expensive new oil pan too. up on the heads got a flow job, a new set of stainless 2.02 intakes and 1.60 exhaust valves. a three angle valve job, a new set of roller rockers, 1.5 new springs, seats, and all of the stupid bolts. of course they even shaved the heads some, ported and polished. oh yeah, the bronze inserts along with other goodies. to go on top was some fun. all new fuel rails, all new injectors a call to TPIS for a upgrade from the 52mm plenum to a larger 58 mm ported large tube plenum. also new ported large tube runners, new big mouth manifold and a new 58 mm throttle body. more fuel, more air, more fun!!!! a few other misc. stuff on top to include new dis module, caps, hypo wire sets, tune up stuff, plugs and the likes. a new waterpump, belts, some work on the cooling system. a maf sensor, air filters, fuel cell work, and of course dont forget those pesky little turbos. completely reworked by callaway, two turbos, some additional nuts and bolts that must have been gold plated. hooked this up to a new ram clutch, plate and bearing. lets not forget also the sixty or seventy other misc. sensors, connectors, fasteners, fittings and the likes that make up two pages of parts invoices from a gm dealer. topped off with the good stuff, mobile 1 oil and wallah. we run like a raped ape. special thanks to the men at TOM JUMPER CHEVROLET, who took this basket case and helped put it back together again. some real pros.!!!! i spent most of saturday and sunday beginning a real cleanup of the vehicle. you know, the 3m black magic with high speed buffer, and foam backup pad. she is shining like a new penny. going to do the engine detail this week. so far no major or even minor hiccups. maybe if you let the tank run below half on fuel, you can actually cause the car to stumble because it cannot get enough fuel. that is my hypothesis. havent tested it with a fuel gage while standing on it. may be too busy this week to return to engine shop for breakin dyno run and tune. so i will try to attach a couple of pics for you now. for those who have wandered into this thread, i bought the car for $3700. after it's owner blew it up while racing. yes, that is cheap, but, it did take some additional $15,000. or better to return it to it's glory days. will it put out 620hp again? i dont know yet. i will say it is one super fine and fast car. it still has less than 21,000 miles on it. some of you guys know the car better than i do, but, let's just say, if it was optioned with it, it works. the 4+3 shifting transmission is so sweat. the factory dymag wheels are painted wrong, but, i will probably remedy that this summer. i even did the atlanta am traffic thing. the engine never got over 215 even while sitting on the interstate for almost an hour. might need one or two little weatherstrips along the pillar posts. some dry rot. well, better stop and try this camera thing. getting late for us early risers. ok, as before, i cant get the darn pics down to use here. somebody let me send them to their email, who can find a way to put them in the forum. thanks a bunch. so tell, me, was it worth the wait? i know some of you want to see those dyno charts. me too. until then, maybe i will see some of you guys and girls tooling around the atlanta area. as far as making the show in june, that is still a small possibility. a new job as service manager of a local gm store has me hopping right now, but, who is to say as things get closer.