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the beast lives!!

Saturday Was Pretty Nice In Ga. Got The Callaway Out For A Little Stretchin. You Know, Little Brother Has New Harley That Is Fast And Pretty, So Big Brother Had To Show Up And Show Off. We Let Her Stretch Upwards Of 135mph In Third And Then I Got Out Of It. Somewhere Around 5800rpm. Got To Get Back To Shop For Some Little Issues. Belt Alignment, And Occassional Misfire Under Acceleration. Hard To Wipe The Grins Off My Face. Anybody Else Do Some Stretchin?
Sounds like you are enjoying the B2K! :upthumbs

I washed the SNAT and took it around the block - then washed my black Vette when a lady who previously walked by passed and said, "I thought your car was red..."

She just could not believe that someone would have two of the same car - I didn't mention the third ;)

I also took the B2K around the block last week - when I went to the inspection station - She's back under cover again ;)

Enjoy your car! :beer
i know, i used to pull that one too. i had a 69 stingray until christmas, i had it for 21 years, then i would drive the b2k. what a blast.

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