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Time has come to sell my Vette :(


Gone but not forgotten
Feb 12, 2002
Annapolis Maryland
1987 Redskin Red Coupe
thats right i'm selling my 87 Vette listed here.


I am looking to step up to a 96 LT4 Vette with an ATI intercooled P600B supercharger. Car needs some TLC. it only has about 36k in miles but is breaking up at 4k rpms. I am sure it is due to bad O2 sensors and or clogged cats. car has ripper short throw shifter, either Doug Rippy or DRM road race adjustable coil overs, fuel and boost gauges, 2nd set of black ZR1 AMolds in 11x17's with BFG DR's, B&B catback, long tube headers, AFPR, MSD Box w/ timing retard in cockpit, and a few other goodies i can't remember. car pulled mid 400 rwhp on 7 lbs of boost professionally built. i'm thinking nice blower cam w/ meth injection to hopefully push it over 500 rwhp.


DAAAng!!! You're gonna enjoy that!!! Uhm..., no way to keep 'em both, huh? Good luck. I know you're gonna have a lotta fuuuuuuun!!!! :w :Steer :lou
vee93 said:
DAAAng!!! You're gonna enjoy that!!! Uhm..., no way to keep 'em both, huh? Good luck. I know you're gonna have a lotta fuuuuuuun!!!! :w :Steer :lou

i'd love to keep my 87 but that has to go to get the 96. i just bought a small business so most of my savings has gone too that. also i will be selling TA i bought. just had the trans put in with the 2600 stall and boy does that 400 launch like a bat out of hell! my 82 Z/28 will go also as a parts car most likely or i might put the 350 roller short block in it with a carb and the T56 and let it go that way. i am not sure yet depending on the sale of my vette. if i really squeeked it i could keep it but i rather not spread myself that thin. i want to pay cash for the LT4 car and not have a payment.
Mic. i wish the pictures of the LT4 came threw. don't some things have to go to make room for the new. LT4 a maryland vette too.

Looks like you're going to win either way. Someone is going to get a fast car for a good price and you're going to get something faster! :D
Edmond said:

Looks like you're going to win either way. Someone is going to get a fast car for a good price and you're going to get something faster! :D

thanks Edmond i think it's a reasonable price. the price of my vette is very negotionable but the price of the parts isn't. your still getting a very good deal that i got on all my parts at 11,500 w/my vette.
6 Shooter said:
When do you plan on having it? ;shrug

the LT4? in the next few weeks/months i hope. i have to atleast sell my vette first. i also have about 5k in car parts i can let go of also. the owner is a very good friend of a good friend of mine and the owner said he didn't mind waiting for me to unload my stuff as long as it don't take 10 months :L
6 Shooter said:
Ya going for a 10 sec. LT4? ;shrug

that would be hard pressed on a stock bottom end but who knows :D can't get crazy with boost on a 10.8:1 motor but with a good blower cam and meth injection i'm sure it will run deep into the 11's.

it went 12.3x at 118 with the previous owner driving it. i'm sure it has alot left in it as it sits and just needs some TLC. he only tracked it once about 3 years ago at a corvette race and this was the first time i actually seen the car. he bought it from a contractor in VA that had a blower on all his toys including this one.

he also has a LT1 4 bolt main block that i'm trying to talk him out of but he wants to build a caprice he has as sleeper :D
Dude, you're gonna kill yourself!

Seriously, looks like a fun car... We need to talk about some of the stuff you've got lying around to sell.
rrubel said:
Dude, you're gonna kill yourself!

Seriously, looks like a fun car... We need to talk about some of the stuff you've got lying around to sell.

np when can i drop off your helmet and tires? we'll talk next time i'm over
rrubel said:
You could probably drop the stuff off tonight or tomorrow...

thurs would be better. have a business meeting after work tomorrow night and am going out tonight with a lady friend.
Mad-Mic said:
thurs would be better. have a business meeting after work tomorrow night and am going out tonight with a lady friend.

Wish I had dates to go out on! :cry
Edmond said:
Wish I had dates to go out on! :cry

if you were in maryland i would hook up another C4 brotha with some of my heram :D i date a new one every week but this one i've been seeing for 6 months. 5' 100 lbs nurse :_rock
Edmond said:
Wish I had dates to go out on! :cry

What age range????
Not to hijack the thread, but with that listing of Mods Craig has he needs to take it to the track to get some numbers to back it up...Or maybe he's to scared ...:gap

Mic I thought you didn't want to go a blower on a C4? Is it just a really good deal or are you getting tired of the 87?
vetteboy86 said:
What age range????

Any age that's legal! :L:L:L

Vettefan87 said:
with that listing of Mods Craig has he needs to take it to the track to get some numbers to back it up...

I'm sure he will, it's just a matter of time. And since the temps are starting to drop, I'm sure the runs will get him some very nice numbers.:D
Mad-Mic said:
thurs would be better. have a business meeting after work tomorrow night and am going out tonight with a lady friend.

Thursday would be fine... Call before you come up, though.

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