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To add to my current situation.....


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2002
North Brunswick, NJ
1998 Sebring Silver C5 Coupe MN6
....today, the stock exhaust on the C5 took a dump.......it sounds REAL nice, but i definetly will have to replace it. I'm thinking something with Random Tech high-flow cats, x-pipe and Borla Stingers. Suggestions?
Think GHL........They sound great.:beer :w
cruzer82 said:
Think GHL........They sound great.:beer :w

I'm looking for a deep, LOUD sound. How does GHL compare to a random tech cat setup with borla stingers? Not familiar with GHL.....power increase/flow?
They are real deep throat and look great. I also added a Halltech intake filter (K&N) and my Traction Control comes on quite often now. I think it has made a noticable difference. They are a little pricey but worth it.

Check them out........:beer :w
The GHL system is very nice - I like the sound and looks as well. Currently I have a set of Borla Stinger (oval quads) with an x-pipe. This system has that great muscle car sound at idle and is semi-agressive at WOT. I'm not sure what the current price is as I bought mine two years ago at Carlisle - it was $825. installed and the x-pipe was an additional $150.


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