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Trip to NCM


Sep 24, 2004
Southwest Kansas
2007 Atomic Orange Coupe
This past week Marcus (Huskerman), and couple of guys from that “other forum” and I planned a trip to the NCM.

On Sunday, Marcus and I met up in KC, drove I70 to Kingdom City, MO and met up with another guy, then drove on to Bowling Green. We met up with the other guy there, he drove down from Detroit.

Monday, we all went to the NCM and toured the facility. All three of the others had never been to the Museum, and it had been since 2005 since I had been there for “CruiseFest 2”. The museum has changed, a lot, since then. Mr. Obvious, I know. They have a whole section dedicated to the collapse....which makes sense, it was a big deal. We spent all day there, and of course some of us bought chances on a new C8....I know, chances of winning are extremely slim, but, I do have a chance.

Monday, we went back over to the classic car dealership that was right there across the road from the NCM. He, too, has expanded and added on a big building. There were around 80 classic cars and we spent about an hour and a half looking at them.

The next thing we did we did was drive over to the NCM Motorsport Park, where they were giving rides around the track...well, “giving” is a misnomer. They were charging for them. We went down inside to ask about what the possibilities were and found we could do 4 laps in one of their C7s for $250 or we could drive our own cars the four laps, behind a pace car, for $50. Well, that was a no-brainer. We all did the four laps in our cars. WHAT A KICK! Even following the pace car. We reached speeds of, around, 85 to 90 down the straightaway. Not sure exactly, as we were pretty consumed with concentrating on following the pace cars line. I saw 85 once for sure, but, it was the G meter that I saw once .83g on the downhill, left, hairpin turn. Probably went higher than that, but, once again, I was too busy trying to keep 007 on the course. The four laps on the 3.15 mile course took us about 15 minutes. If you go to visit the NCM, make sure you are in your Corvette, and go to the Motorsport Park and do the drive.









Fun trip Tom. My last tour of the museum was probably about the same time and I'm anxious to make another one.

We used to have the Corvettes Against Breast Cancer event down at Atlanta Motor Speedway and we got to do laps for charity. They use to run a lot of cars behind a pace car and how fast you got up to was wholly dependent on how far behind the pace car you were. I have been in the front, middle and back. When in the front I never got the car above 100. When in the very back I was able to drop way back and got up to 117. Quite and exhilarating experience.
Sounds like a fun trip Tom. I haven't been to the NCM since 2007 so I know it's changed a lot. I am going back in November for the Ambassadors convention.

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