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Trouble with dialing in tripower carbs

well, may have found the problem and it's my fault but i'll NEVER buy anything from Chicago Corvette again...i bought the carb rebuild kits from them and they turned out to be from a generic manufacturer, not Holley

..i took the center carb apart and checked everything that i possibly could....what i found is that the gasket that sits between the throttle body and the base plate was cut incorrectly - the holes for the transfer slots were not there :hb

so, i punched new holes, being careful not to cut into the other holes in the gasket...now THAT makes sense since the carb was trying to pull fuel from somewhere and it could only use the primary system...whoulda' thunk?

i would like to take this opportunity to thank Chicago Corvette for their continuing effots to provide the lowest possible quality parts at the highest possible price:w azzholes!!!

..while i was at it, i adjusted the butterflies to ensure that the butterflies are ABSOLUTLEY centered

...i pulled the end carbs and found that the correct holes were punched in those gaskets

...i checked EVERYTHING all over again

...the one thing that i notice is that there is the slightest drag on the rear carb throttle shaft and i suppose that i should have checked for eveness after i torqued the manifold in place....dry fitting the carbs and manifold demonstrated an absolutely tight fit...may be a problem in the future so i'm ready to file the manifold tops flat in place if i need to

...since i am sick and tired or fiddling with three carbs, i'll wait till next week to fire it up

it's martini time:m
thats not the first time I've seen reports of problems with Chicago Corvettes

What would be nice is a sticky thread with a list of questionable vendors :upthumbs
Gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezz..!! What a pain ..!!!:ohnoes

Well I hope it fires and runs ok. After all that how can you wait till next week to find out if-in-it ill run.:confused

So..you'll be down next week with my Nazi Bushing..??? Cool:cool
Actually there is a place to talk about these things. It's the Product Review forum. Click on Upload Products and on the next page select the catagory that your review will fit into. In this case I'd say Engine/Drivetrain. On the next page you can enter the product and who the manufacturer and vendor are and even post some pictures of the good points or the defaults with the item. Then in the product discription go into detail about what the problem was or what you liked about the item. You can also tell of what the vendor offered to do to make it right, if anything. Good or bad reviews are both important.

This forum has been in here for some time and it has really been unused for the most part. If we put it to good use we may be able to save another member from the same pitfalls we had with a product.

Another place to vent is in the Portal. Go in and find the vender you are having a problem with. Each listing has a feature to post a review. Just do it. It's that easy. If you don't find your vendor then submitt a listing. I just submitted one for the member in AZ that was needing the '67 windshield replacement.

The only thing I would suggest is that if you are going to give a negative review that you have at least contacted the vendor and have given them the opportunity to make it right before you nail them to the wall. That's only fair.

hey tom...went to the portal and i couldn't post a review, it wouldn't allow me to login:confused


..i just finished up machining the goober you need for the hose clamp...looks good if i say so myself...good friction fit..

wut time on saturday?????
hey tom...went to the portal and i couldn't post a review, it wouldn't allow me to login:confused


..i just finished up machining the goober you need for the hose clamp...looks good if i say so myself...good friction fit..

wut time on saturday?????

Thought you were having some probs...didn't here from you. Glad your coming down . Ran into a brick wall and need your help for another Hood Mock up.

Also glad you got the goober going for me. How about 9:30am Saturday..?
...another good day's work at VNV's has come and gone, defer to him on posting the results

..as far as my tripower carbs go, fired it up with the cutout in the center carb gasket for the idle circuit and now it idles down to 500 rpm HOWEVER, it still backfires intermittently and runs rough

..me and VNV believe that i shorted the MSD 6A box...and i'm going to swap in a brand new box and see if that makes a difference:hb
...another good day's work at VNV's has come and gone, defer to him on posting the results

..as far as my tripower carbs go, fired it up with the cutout in the center carb gasket for the idle circuit and now it idles down to 500 rpm HOWEVER, it still backfires intermittently and runs rough

..me and VNV believe that i shorted the MSD 6A box...and i'm going to swap in a brand new box and see if that makes a difference:hb

just futzed with the carbs again

...you already know that i swapped out the MSD box and the problem persisted

...i just fired it up again and made sure the secondaries are closed...they are solid, tight and spraying a bit of carb cleaner down either secondary throat does absolutely nothing...the primary circuits on the secondaries are not leaking

...at "idle", i have a reading of 15 on the vacuum gauge...no big vacuum leak

maybe the problem is the car is blue;shrug

going through a punch list of items to narrow down my problem..it still sounds like an ignition problem so i take VNV's advice and put on a different set of known good plug wires

no difference

i will swap out the coil over the weekend BUT i have to believe it has something (everything) to do with the carbs...that's the new variable in the equation

....so i said fukkit and called LICS and had them send me 3 new HOLLEY rebuild kits for the carbs...what's $90 more when I have this much into the cars?

...if THAT fixes the problem, then ITS FLAMING TIME for chicago corvette (i know, i know, i should give them a chance but I GOTS DA URGE!!!!!!!!!:mad)

..if i can't fix the problem, then i'll need a few weeks off at the Egg Harbor Township Rest Home for the Terminally Confused;help
But Kid, you ARE having fun, right? :L

I learn a lot reading your posts. Good luck on the triple rebuild...:beer
But Kid, you ARE having fun, right? :L

I learn a lot reading your posts. Good luck on the triple rebuild...:beer

OH YEAH:eyerole

Times like this I THANK God that I don't have the combination to the gun safe memorized.

No, not taking myself out. Taking out THAT car with a FMJ .44mag.

Dan Wesson, 8" barrel with a 2x scope. Set up for boars. Every brass case turned on a lathe to ensure trueness (uh, BEFORE reloading). Iron block not a problem.:r
I don't think you'd need the scope for a target as large as the block!!! If the 44 fails ya, you could always move up to the 50 cal BMG....;LOL

Every case turned and trued? You ARE a perfectionist, aren't you? :D
I don't think you'd need the scope for a target as large as the block!!! If the 44 fails ya, you could always move up to the 50 cal BMG....;LOL

Every case turned and trued? You ARE a perfectionist, aren't you? :D

...that's the frustrating (or adventurous, depending on your point of view) part of my dealings with the cars....even though i try to plan carefully, i never QUITE make it....i never thought to ask Chicago Corvette whether the tripower carb rebuild kits were made by Holley....still, I'm the one who installed them but they may yet not turn out to be the problem....

....talk about truing every brass case, i have a single shot falling block octagonal barrel .22-250...i had the barrel trued and the chamber align bored concentric with the barrel plus had the chamber chromed...i floated the barrel....it has a 24x variable power bushnell scope....with every case trued, my recipe of propellant and spire point boat tails, it's a tack driver at 300 yards, which is the longest range i have...yeah, the wind can be a challenge with the small bullet but i can cure that with the .30-06 700bdl (which has the same treatment plus ion etched gas vents plus a jeweled bolt that i did myself with a burnisher, drill press and an analog mic)....not surprisingly, i have my own chronograph to ensure the balance of performance and safety...

...many of the same skills needed to work on a car...hope springs eternal

...should have the rebuild kits from LICS today and will start rebuilding on sunday....gotta help VNV with his car on saturday..

as Mark said, he spent the first half of the summer working on my car and i'm spending the second half of the summer working on his car
as Mark said, he spent the first half of the summer working on my car and i'm spending the second half of the summer working on his car

And Next summer..it's Gigars and Mar-Tune-Ies and Thongs (Not On Us) in The French Riviera.

We-We :D
.......talk about truing every brass case, i have a single shot falling block octagonal barrel .22-250...i had the barrel trued and the chamber align bored concentric with the barrel plus had the chamber chromed...i floated the barrel....it has a 24x variable power bushnell scope....with every case trued, my recipe of propellant and spire point boat tails, it's a tack driver at 300 yards, which is the longest range i have...yeah, the wind can be a challenge with the small bullet but i can cure that with the .30-06 700bdl (which has the same treatment plus ion etched gas vents plus a jeweled bolt that i did myself with a burnisher, drill press and an analog mic)....not surprisingly, i have my own chronograph to ensure the balance of performance and safety...

Sounds like some sweet shooting. I'd like to see them in action one day.

Of course, as you know, the wind's always a factor, no matter the size of the round headed downrange... That's one of the reasons I like shooting... The infinite variables involved in hitting the target. I've not participated in any match shooting, but it sounds as if you're weapons/rounds are dialed in nicely...:upthumbs:beer

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