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Turbo Options/Evergreen Turbo

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TO4B Problems

Sorry to hear about your misfortune and ex-buddy story.

If you have a digital camera and can take some close up pictures of the turbo assembly from all angles, email them to me and I will go by a couple of the big turbo boys out here in California and see what they think could be substituted. Are there any stamped or raised numbers on your turbo housing?

As 89x2 suggests, I would call Charlie Brown, who runs a turbo repair shop in northern Florida. He seems like a good guy, seems pretty knowledgeable about Rotomaster TO4Bs, and may be willing to chase parts down and sell parts more willingly than a bigger operation like Callaway.

Which side turbo are you working on? Was it blowing any oil or making any noises when you decided to pull it apart?

Whatever you decide to do, please let the group know of your results. Finding alternative turbos for the TO4B would be a big benefit to all Callaway owners. Be careful on your rebuild. As you have already found out, parts are hard to come by.

good luck,


I am working on the drivers side. This has been a 2 year project. Blew a cooling line while racing a lamborghini. Had to drive the car home stopping to refill the coolant every few blocks. When I started looking for the leak I thought the worst. I thought it was a head gasket(Now I wish it was) turns out to be the coolant line comming of the drivers side of the radiator. The hose was like glass. When I touched it it shattered. The line goes to the coolant in side of the drivers side turbo and uses a banjo bolt. Well, since a banjo bolt is a hollow bolt with more holes at the top just under the bolthead, and being on the car 10 years the bolthead came off but the rest of the bolt stayed in the turbo. So I had to take the turbo off. I would rather find a modern replacement for the turbo that is in production even if it costs more. Just think what it will be like in 5 - 10 years to find a turbo for one of these cars.
Turbo Problem/Coolant Hose Maintenance

Thanks for the information. Were you at least beating the Lambo at the time that the coolant line went out?

Because of the turbo and exhaust manifold heat in that area, it would probably be advisable for all TT owners to check these coolant hoses for brittleness at least every 12 months or so and to replace them every 3-4 years.

I don't think I have seen anything like this in the maintenance tips for the TTs. Has anyone else had this hose breakage or hardening problems?
I think he was doing that on the 91 in the shop, if I recall (amongst other things ;) ) :beer

Yes I was winning. He turned off the road rigt before the turbo line went. I do not have a digital camera. The turbo is off the car and I can tell you all the numbers on it.
TO4B Part Numbers

Thanks for the offer.

Just post all the numbers you see from your driver's turbo on the forum to this topic or to the one titled "Evergreen Turbo" at the top of the Callaway forum.

Or you can send me a private email: steve@bigdog.ads-oh.atg.titan.com

thanks and good luck on the repair.


Glad you were whipping the Lambo and he did not see your problem either. Was it a Countach or a Diablo?

It was a Countach.I am listing all the numbers.
On the back of the compressor wheel ther are hand engraved numbers 107015 and 15661.
On the compressor housing there are cast in numbers 107080 and 927-2.
On the turbine housing there are cast in numbers D-53 and a date of 10/28/87 and 1070884.
On the center section cast in behind the compressor wheel 1-88 and JM.
On the center section cast behind the turbine wheel are hand carved numbers 15794 and 107723.
On the center section on a red tag just below the oil feed line inlet reads as follows; model RM26AS0631B Serial 406066 part no. 107100. I hope this helps. Can anyone decode these?
Thanks for the detailed report!!!

Thanks for all of those numbers. Whew!

I will try them with some local turbo rebuilders here in California when I get up to LA in the week or two. I will also pass them along to Charlie Brown at Evergreen Turbo. He thought he could get a start on some good cross-referencing/substitution if he had the numbers.

If you can borrow a friend's digital camera and take a bunch of detailed close up pictures that would be very helpful, too.

I will email the info along to Charlie and give him a call tomorrow.

thanks again,


I can take 35mm and get them put on picture disk then email them to you. Is that OK?
Driver Side Turbo Pix

I think the picture disk email would be fine. I have Photoshop on my Mac and should be able to manipulate the emailed pictures as needed.

Just make sure that you take some good, in focus close ups from all six sides of the turbo. Send them when you can. Meanwhile, I will get the ball rolling with the extensive set of numbers that you have provided.

My understanding is that you just need a new set of bearings for your turbo. Is that all? I will see what I can do on that for you.



I need the nut for the compressor wheel, but that should be common. Do you want me to take pics on the bearings? They look very different from all other turbo bearings I have seen.
The more pix, the better

I think the more pix the better when we are trying to find alternate parts. A couple of pictures of the impeller wheel and the inside of the housing would also be good.

Turbo Repairs


I spoke to Charlie Brown at Evergreen Turbos (800-275-2531) today about some of your part numbers and have emailed him all of the part numbers that you sent out last night. He thinks that Callaway may have removed/replaced the original manufacturer tag that he really needs to figure out which bearings would fit in your turbo. He will let us know if the rest of the numbers are of any help.

In case the part numbers are not enough of a clue, he said that he would be happy to sell you just the parts that you need, based on his inspection of the turbo, too. He thinks that your buddy may have bent the impeller shaft, based on my relay of your description of the shaft end. So be careful on that. The good news is that you have some alternatives to just sending the turbo off for a complete repair.

Charlie says he will inspect a turbo and sell parts for it or give a repair estimate for an inspection fee of $25. He is also willing to chase down alternative turbo solutions that hopefully would not require too many alterations to the original Callaway design and plumbing set up.

Send me a private email (steve@bigdog.ads-oh.atg.titan.com) with your phone number and a good time to call you to discuss your repair.

good luck,


The tag is a rayjay tag that is on the center section. I took some pics of the turbo off the car and will email them in a few minutes. The pics did not come out great and I will take more. But for now they should do.
Got the pix/Sent the pix

Thanks Callaway88,

I received the pix okay and have forwarded them to one of the turbo repair guys already. I will reduce the resolution and post them to the forum (so they will fit within the maximum byte count restriction) within a day or two.


Spoke to someone at Turbonetics today. He says that they have rebuild kits available. They can rebuild a turbo that does not have damage to te housings or shaft or wheels. Labor is $200 and the rebuild kit is $150. They do not charge for the inspection of the turbo.
Turbo Rebuild

Those seem like pretty good prices, but the real deal is what happens when you have wheel, shaft or housing problems that preclude a "normal" rebuild. We still need to develop some alternate sources for out of production parts.

good luck,


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