Intermittent Electrical Problems...
From the sounds of what you are discribing, it sounds like a contact making when it wants too

Eric is on the right track, and good advise about "slamming the hood down too"..
I would check the fuse for good contact, the flasher unit too. The fuse is a 20 amp, almost in the middle of the fuse panel, the directional flasher is at the lower right side. It may still have a small capacitor across the leads too, this is for radio noise surpression. I threw mine away

if interference is a problem it is usually AM anyway. If niether of these suggestion helps, then I would move onto the grounds.. I doubt if there is a short, that would cause the fuse to blow.. an open ground sounds more feasable to me..
There are 2 primary grounds for the directional system. The rear on is located on the passagers side on the frame near the trailing arm assy... the front one is on the frame on fender side of the drivers door kick panel frame.
Good luck chasing these little gremlins around, also check all your directional light sockets for good grounds and that the sockets are clean too..