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U Joint Condition - How To Check?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2003
Long Island, NY
1981 White Coupe
How do you diagnose the condition of the current U joints?! I'm in the middle of putting on a Van Steel complete offset TA assembly, and had the outboard half shaft disconnected. It seemed to move easily in every which way...is that correct? Or should it be tight?

Thanks all!!!

- Jeremy
The joints can be loose but not sloppy and certainly not tight. Look for rust around the caps and play in the joint between the needle bearing rollers. If you're careful you can remove a cap and look at the joint for wear.

If you're going to the timeand expense of new T arms why not install new Spicers for about $18 each? Then you know you have fresh joints to compliment the rest of your work.
move the joint around in all directions, push and pull on the joint,it should move freely but not rattle, clunk or make any sound for that matter, only a smooth transition from one spot to another.(the cups will be loose on the universal shaft if bad.)with this p.i.t.a. setup, change them, it's too much trouble to do it again.
Thanks everyone.

So, when I removed the bolts to the spindle flange and took off the bracket holding the joints, the end caps (cups) actually came off. So, I am assuming this is a bad thing? Everything moved around real easily.

I will probably do what you all said and replace them all while I'm at it. I will be waiting a little while for some custom wheels anyhow.

Thanks again!

- Jeremy

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