Hi Andy,
Just got back on and saw your questions to my post. Let me clear up my statements for you. I said to get the car on jack stands,you're ok with that. T arm is trailing arm= the part that the rear caliper is mounted to and bolts into the frame in front of the rear tire. The rear section of the T arm has the spring bolt in it.
Now the reason I said to mark the strut rods is sometimes you might have to move the T arm out a little,away from the differential side, if you do and don't mark the relationship of the strut rod the rear aligment will change. You might not have to do this but as least you'll be prepared for it. The reason I jack up the T arm is to level it so the 1/2 shaft doesn't bind when you remove it, it's just easier to remove that way. You do have to be careful that you don't pick the car up off the stands though.
The French locks secure the bolts the spindle flange at the wheel end of the 1/2 shaft.
THe GM locks are not as strong as the SS ones and they don't rust. THe trick I found to install them is to slightly bend the lock link(piece of the lock that goes between the bolts) so the head of the bolt clears the link. If you don't then the bolt will catch the link around 60 ft/lbs of torque and twist. They have to be torqued to 70 ft/lbs if I recall the spec correctly. Use some never-seize under the bolt head to help it slide on the lock.
The shafts do not need to be balanced,but do check for damage from the previous genius who tried to do this job like a regular driveshaft and damaged the shaft. The Spicer zerkless joints are better and the best you can use on your car. I had zerk joint crack in half under normal street driving-no racing. If you find the new joint doest line up with the retaining clips then it might be bent. Thats why you need to use a backing plate. If you find a bent one and you have to really hammer the clip in,don't use it. If the clip[ falls out driving the cap will follow and you'll be in for a surprise. I had it happen to a car last year,luckily the only damage was the joint.
You can all the parts from Bairs and great service too.
Lastly, I don't think you're an idiot. If you were you wouldn't be trying to work on your car without asking for help. I guess I just took it for granted you knew about the "terms" used on these cars. No offense was intended on my part.
Good luck and if you need soem pictures of things let me know your email address.