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Under the skin

WLS Ruby 93

Well-known member
Jul 30, 2008
1998 Torch Red Coupe
This past weekend I was in Louisville visiting with family and we rode down to Bowling Green to check out the Corvette Museum. WOW, it was fabulous and loaded with tons of Corvette trivia that no normal person could absorb in one visit.
One of the highlights was an exhibit of a C5 without the body panels. I took about 16 pictures for reference in case the need arises.
Here are a couple of examples;

Everyone needs to visit the Museum even if they don't own a Corvette.

Keep 'em rollin' ::W

Bill :w


  • Left Front 2.jpg
    Left Front 2.jpg
    49.5 KB · Views: 98
  • Right rear 2.JPG
    Right rear 2.JPG
    84 KB · Views: 92
Yup, seen that one when we were there. You are right, it's something that everyone can get something out of.

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